Solved Failed to load module "Intel"

I also recall that there are two i915kms driver, one is in kernel and other is in modules so not sure if you've tried both. I don't think you should need to use xorg.conf as most of the time it should work and touched upon if you want custom settings for your driver or enable modesetting which some people have found success.
Do you have files installed under /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d? If so, what are they?
There are no files in that directory.

However I've found that the file /boot/modules/i915kms.ko differs between the system which works and the one which doesn't so I think i may reinstall FreeBSD.
I have 13.2 release.
All package are up to date as of a week ago.
When I do pkg info -D drm-kmod
I get the same response you did.

If you reinstall drm-kmod you will probably
get the same release.
Maybe it is corrupted or does the USB stick use an older version.
My version i925kms showed nothing (G45 - X4500hd) until I added

5.4.3. Video Cards​

The driver for the graphics card can be specified in the /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory.
To configure the Intel® driver in a configuration file:
Example 1. Select Intel® Video Driver in a File
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "intel"

Then it worked, but I had to modify it for display size.
Don't know if this will apply to you or not.
But that's what I did.

Also you might want to compare the two systems.
and to cat /etc/groups | grep "your login name"
After being unable to figure out what the cause was, I've re-installed FreeBSD and the problem has gone way. Maybe a freebsd update didn't work correctly at some point. I'll never know.

I'm using i915kms and not a member of the video group.
For me, i dont use drm-kmod since i compiled mesa amber i915 driver since I'm running 12.4 i would check if upgrading to 13.2 will cause an issue.