Dracula theme using bash shell

Hi, after looking at a few threads I made it possible to set the correct colours to the bash terminal in Freebsd. I am using the Windows terminal and the colours were correctly displayed:

Here is the webpage for the pallete and the idea: https://github.com/dracula/dracula-theme

alias j=jobs
alias m="$PAGER"
alias ll='ls -laFoG'
alias l='ls -lG'
alias g='egrep -i'

# Customized PS1 with Dracula theme
export PS1="\[\033[0;32m\][\[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;32m\]]\[\033[0m\]:\[\033[0;95m\][\[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;95m\]\w\[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;95m\]]\[\033[0m\]\\$ "
export CLICOLOR=1
# Dracula theme colors for ls on FreeBSD

# Breakdown:
# E: Directory
# x: Regular file
# F: Symbolic link
# B: Block special file
# xD: Character special file
# C: Executable file
# x: Regular file
# e: Non-existent file
# g: Group writable
# e: Non-existent file
# d: Directory
# a: Other writable
# b: Sticky bit
# a: Other writable
# g: Group ID set
# a: Other writable
# c: File with capability
# a: Other writable
# d: Directory
# a: Other writable

If there is some improvement let me know!
Can you have a screenshot on here of a terminal with this theme? (Including prompt and ls of a generic directory)
Sure thing, here is an example from the /etc. there are more colours depending on the tipe of file but you would mostly see it like this. The background is from the dracula theme for windows terminal (slighly blueish tone)

I always use dracula, myself, but I found the color scheme lacking some type of vibrancy. I found a terminal emulator that supports 24-bit colors (or better to aid in that) in addition to an ls-alternative. If you don't find the theme sufficient, you can try an ls alternative like sysutils/exa or sysutils/lsd. If you're using a terminal emulator like x11/sterm you could also consider recompiling it with the Xresources patch or the dracula theme patch.