To a disk vendor 8T (usually) means 8000000000000 bytes (or very close to that).
Your copy finished when (about) 8000000000000 of 8796093022208 bytes = 90.95% of the anticipated data were copied.
So the copy was complete, but the progress report was based on an imprecise size estimate.
, "-s 8T" means 8 TiB = 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 = 8796093022208 bytes, and that number is used in the calculation of all progress reports.To a disk vendor 8T (usually) means 8000000000000 bytes (or very close to that).
Your copy finished when (about) 8000000000000 of 8796093022208 bytes = 90.95% of the anticipated data were copied.
So the copy was complete, but the progress report was based on an imprecise size estimate.