bhyve Better approach for bhve networking + NFS?


I'm virtualising my Linux development environment for $DAY_JOB using bhyve, vm-bhyve, and NAT. I expose files on the guest to the host using NFS, and edit those files on the host.

Networking is via NAT on either Ethernet (on my desktop), or Wi-Fi (on my laptop). It's the latter that's giving me trouble.

Because I'm moving around on my laptop, my Wi-Fi connection (on wlan0) periodically drops and reconnects, causing problems for NFS as the public switch I'm using for my bhyve guests is connected to
wlan0. When my Wi-Fi connection changes, host processes - especially my editor - occasionally get stuck in a system call and lock up.

Can anyone suggest a better networking setup, that provides Internet access to the guest, but is resilient to intermittent network connectivity on the host?
use a separate bridge for the VMs? for NAT you don't need to bridge VMs' host side interfaces with host's public network interface.
Thinking outside the box a little bit. You could setup a 9P filesystem share. This only works one way though, so the files would reside on the host. You could then map the shared folders in your Linux guest as needed. This way networking is completely out of the equation for file sharing.