It's about that I'm simply in need to read such posts like yours above daily, to sustain mental health to the
most best degree possible in these modern times.
Now that I know that this is
the month to celebrate the gift to mankind of your arrival on planet earth, I'll explicitely include you in the next week's prayer following after BeaSDie's mantra.
Yes. my Psychiatrist told me twice "You're healthy" and we've known each other for 14 years. I trust in him to the length, beyond my Family, that I put my future in his hands. We talk shop and I talk about using Behavior Mod for laughs, my word is my Bond in his eyes (and mine). I credit him with saving my life and as my being my Superior. He handed me a script once and his prescription read "Go to Church", which I liked.
So I went to Church and stole a tall-as-me, skinny, Ebony Empress Christian girl from her Husband, in Church, during the Service by pouring her glass of Ocean Spray Mango juice and a few polite wird during lunch break.
After the Service restarted I looked up and there she was standing right beside me and her Hubby was on the other side of and had her by the hand trying to pulll her back to their seat and
she was resisting. I thought "Thank you, Lord". Then they gave a sermon on stealing a mans wife and I thought "They're talking about me!" My Infamy knows no bounds.
He is a Psychiatrist and I'm just a
Psycho Psychologist,
Manipulative Bastard with a
Morally Ambiguous Doctorate and Master of
Xanatos Speed Chess.
I'm a Qualified Mental Retardation Professional, or QMRP, or Q for short as it's known in the circles. The local Mental Health Facility, where I had to lower myself to enroll in so I could get a Case Mamagers a last resort to get a ride to the hospital, is ran by a Qualified Mental Health Professional. or QMHP, or a Q.
The first time I spoke with their Q spoke by phone, within 1 minute of speaking to him I pinned the Case Manager and him down on Falsification of Documentation and brought into question if he had been billing the State as a Service Provider for Services I hadn't received.
It's just that easy for me. I'm not Star Trek level Q but as far above him as a Star Trek level Q is to me. The rest weren't even reliable taxi drivers and I could read them like words on a page, which made them uneasy. So I quit them and laid a guilt trip on my Brother-In-Law so he take me.
Trihexagonal, you're among the very few persons I accept to take the role of a priest to me.
I'm a Killer.
I'm a Clown.
I'm a Priest that's
Gone to town.
Alice Cooper - Desperado
I need all the Prayers I can get. Now, if possible, please.