Other AwesomeWM Firefox & Mod4+r

Hello every body !

I have an issue to launch Firefox with the awesome prompt run command, Mod4+r.
If I launch Firefox in rxvt, there is no problem.
But when I launched it from Mod4+r, it run in memory, but didn't get the X window.
With gdb, it seems that when Firefox ask X11 server for a window's attribute, there is not reply.

I posted my issue on Github :

Thanks you
Then I suspect it's from Firefox and not from AwesomeWM. Try to remove Firefox cache (.cache/mozilla/firefox) and also remove firefox profile from (.mozilla/firefox) and try again.
I've just installed awesome on my system and running firefox from his menu works like it should be. Maybe you have something in your rc.lua who doesn't permit firefox to run. This is one of the many reasons why I gave up on using Awesome WM. At almost every minor/major update something breaks rc.lua
Can you give me your rc.lua to look at what differ ?
I don't do a lot of modifications in it. So, I doubt the issue is from it.

Yes, Awesome is a little capricious ^^'
Can you give me your rc.lua to look at what differ ?
It's the standard rc.lua who come with the installed package, I don't use Awesome anymore, switched to i3wm. Try to run Firefox with the standard rc.lua so you can eliminate the potentially problems.
Just trying with default/standard rc.lua. Firefox still not start...
Maybe the issue come from Firefox's compilation options ?
Start an xterm and start Firefox from there. Any error messages?