what gate-keeping? Windows and Apple certainly are guilty of non-technical gate-keeping... Back in 2000s, it was impossible to install any kind of database application (other than MS Access) on consumer-level Windows or Mac. But install Linux or FreeBSD on the same hardware - and wow, you can install the whole A(pache)M(ysql)P(hp) stack on it (actually running the stuff was limited by hardware specs).
As things stand now, an up-to-date UNIX-based DE can provide the exact same functionality as Windows and Mac - browsing the web (even Youtube), listening to music, watching videos, and more. When it comes to doing the same basic tasks and providing convenience, Open Source has reached feature parity with Win/Apple awhile ago.
BSD's are small volunteer-driven projects, so they don't have the resources necessary to support 'every piece of hardware imaginable'. Yeah, even Bluetooth and wi-fi did not get the level of attention needed to make them viable - there were other things on the devs' plates to worry about, while not exactly getting paid for the efforts.
I already know all this. Gatekeeping happens when people disguise their system’s flaws or missing tools as 'features' and constantly compare their choices to others, trying to portray it superior or flawless. It's the same cult-like mentality that made me leave elitist communities like Arch Linux and Gentoo.
The entire conversation was about someone struggling with USB-related errors for years without finding help—neither from the Wiki nor the forum. Then, they tried GhostBSD, and the problem disappeared. I replied that GhostBSD solving these issues speaks volumes about FreeBSD’s priorities (focused on servers). Then, a bunch of people got 'triggered'.