
  1. Sergei_Shablovsky

    Complicated shell script for remote Installation without access to a remote console

    Dear FreeBSD Gurus! Please suggest shell script (probably must be complicated) to remote Installation of the FreeBSD Operating System Without access to a Remote Console. Most of You already read Remote Installation of the FreeBSDOperating System Without a RemoteConsole article, based on Martin...
  2. sickboy

    No SSH access after upgrade to 14.1

    Greetings, I’ve the following problem: after a remote upgrade of my server from 14.0 to 14.1, I’m not able to connect via SSH anymore: $ ssh user@host -v ... debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received debug1: kex: algorithm: debug1: kex...
  3. U

    Solved Slow SSH login

    Hi all, I am having an odd situation where my SSH sessions take ages to reach the prompt. For example it takes 30 seconds to run the below: $ time ssh root@techanalysis "echo ok" ok real 0m30,422s user 0m0,142s sys 0m0,000s The same command when run with the IP address is much...
  4. I

    How to harden sshd_config to allow only 1 user to be logged in at any given time?

    How do I harden my sshd_config to allow only 1 user to be remotely logged in at any given time? (A non-admin/wheel and not-root user will login remotely, then upgrade (ie. "su -l admin) to admin/wheel, and then to root should be counted as the same user being logged in at any given time.) I...
  5. codeedog

    Seeking Advice: Thin Jail + unionfs running with workarounds

    Attempting to create a thin jail on a Raspberry Pi using 13-2-REL, I had trouble with the handbook's skeleton formulation 17.5.2. Creating a Thin Jail Using NullFS. While searching for solutions, I stumbled upon Scott Robbins's method for creating thin jails using unionfs which worked but failed...
  6. I

    Solved Why does ssh session in FreeBSD 14.0 generate enormous amount of packets?

    I have two FreeBSD boxes running 13.0 and 14.0 respectively, and I'm comparing the behavior of those boxes in similar scenarios. One scenario exhibit significant discrepancy, and I'd like to ask the community if anyone else has seen (or can reproduce) such discrepancy, and how can it be...
  7. A

    Change "welcome message" when login via ssh on FreeBSD 14. How?

    Hello everyone! Trying to change default "welcome message" via motd (nano /etc/motd) on FreeBSD 14 for ssh login. But after restarting server it's appearing default again. Is there any examples of how to do it? All that found by me in the internet not working.
  8. D

    Solved Lost GUI and SSH on upgrading to 13.2 - advice on how you would proceed

    TL:dR; After upgrading to 13.2 STABLE from 12.4, everything was fine for a day. But now I have lost the GUI (was XFCE4) and cannot SSH in. Where would you start troubleshooting this? I would be truly grateful for any advice you may have. For example, try and get SSH working, the desktop...
  9. K

    X11Forwarding over SSH + PuTTY(or something else)

    Hi, the friendliest IT-community of the world! You guys already helped me with my custom FreeBSD 13.2 installation on ZFS and now I need your help one more time. I've read that there's way not to use VNC things for remote access to my PC, but using only SSH and remote terminal program like...
  10. I

    Attack Discovered Against SSH - is FreeBSD vulnerable?

    I have a concern about the recent news regarding the newly discovered SSH attacks, when "ChaCha20-Poly1305" or "CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC" is used. So, if we set up a server (sshd) or using it as a client (ssh) as default, would this vulnerability be relevant?
  11. A

    ssh connection

    Hi, I have a FreeBSD 13.1 released installed on a machine and there is NO firewall service running on it, it has two interfaces one with public IP and the other with private IP. I can not ssh into the machine from a public IP apart from the public IP of the same network and I can ssh into the...
  12. vermaden

    Solved Port Forwarding into NAT Bhyve VM under pf(4) Firewall

    Hi, I have successfully setup NAT on pf with this in /etc/pf.conf file: nat on wlan0 inet from to any -> (wlan0) round-robin I am now trying to achieve the same what is available out of the box on VirtualBox - port forwarding. For example one of my Bhyve virtual machines is...
  13. usernamekiran

    How to write to local machine from SSH?

    Hello. Since last few weeks, I have been doing SSH to a server using my local FreeBSD desktop. I am able to read/write, and do the stuff that I am permitted to including setting up crons, and few other kubernetes related stuff. But around 3-4 days ago, I tried to download a file (using scp...
  14. byrnejb

    Solved upgraded to 13.1p7 from 13.1p2 and now ssh does not connect.

    [root@vhost01 ~ (master)]# sshy vhost02.windsor Connection timed out during banner exchange Connection to port 22 timed out [root@vhost01 ~ (master)]# sshy -vv vhost02.windsor OpenSSH_9.1p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1q-freebsd 5 Jul 2022 debug1: Reading configuration data /root/.ssh/config...
  15. codetrotter

    Solved Perplexing behavior of shell when trying to loop over input

    I created a script using zsh. One version of the script looks like the following. It correctly loops over all three lines of input and prints what would happen, sleeping 5 seconds after each print #!/usr/bin/env zsh while IFS= read -r snap ; do fs="$( echo "$snap" | cut -d@ -f1 )" echo...
  16. jarmo

    "service postgresql start" hangs forever over SSH

    I'm trying to provision a FreeBSD 13.1 VM over SSH by running shell commands. Among many other things I'm executing commands like these: pkg install -y postgresql15-server service postgresql initdb service postgresql start It gets to service postgresql start, prints the following and hangs...
  17. First_Law_of_Unix

    Solved SSH keeps disconnecting from Supermicro Server after few mins, then completely refuses to reconnect.

    Hello. I installed FreeBSD 13.1 on a Supermicro X8DT3 and also on an AMD desktop machine. I installed OpenSSH server on the X8DT3. Now when I try to connect to it by LAN using: # ssh -vvv -p 2222 user@ Everything works. But then after some time it gets disconnected and then I...
  18. aikorei

    Solved FreeBSD 13.1 fresh install, ssh timeout on log in

    I just did a fresh install of FreeBSD 13.1 with cloud host. I cannot seem to ssh into the server at all, and it's driving me nuts (I've called ionos support probably 8 times today and they're stumped too). Here's what I have so far... - I can access my server via KVM console - Here is...
  19. byrnejb

    Solved ssh between freebsd and linux -- Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated

    I am connecting to a Bhyve VM running Rocky Linux 8 using ssh without passwords. When I successfully connect I nonetheless get the 'untrusted forwarding' error. I am trying to discover on which end of the connection the problem lies. As I do not have this problem when connecting to FreeBSD...
  20. M

    freebsd13 and yubikey bio for ssh

    Hello, I'm struggling to configure my freebsd 13 to use the ssh resident key stored on a yubikey bio. I can't find any good procedure to get it work. I've installed pscs daemon. But I can't load ssh identity in the ssh-agent. I've also installed and tried yubikey-agent that doesn't detect the...