I'm trying to create an rc.d script for an existing port (games/ioquake3-server), which will allow it to launch at system start, and be managed by the rc system.
This software is "interactive" (opens a console on stdin for control), so I have to launch it using daemon instead to detach and keep...
I am using an open source project (Traccar) and they provide a rc script to start and stop the service https://www.traccar.org/freebsd/
This script doesn't work, I can easily start the server if I do:
# cd /usr/local/traccar
# java -jar tracker-server.jar conf/traccar.xml &
However, I want to...
I have difficulties to understand the syntax to use rc.subr function and arguments.
I would like to use run_rc_command in my rc.d script but how should I call for argument and use this function anyway?
Is it a replacement for start_cmd= or should I do start_cmd=run_rc_command args?
Hello all,
I'm looking to deploy a Django application onto a FreeBSD 11.1 server, I've read a number of articles about using www/py36-gunicorn to provide the communications between www/nginx and Django, and brief trials appear successful.
I'm now looking to make a service that I can service...
I'd like to create an rc.d script that uses daemon(8) to manage a python(3) script with dependencies from virtualenv (daemonization, logging and be automatically restarted on exit).
I am not sure what's the right way to approach this.
My initial version used the script as command...
recently I upgrade from 11.0 to
root@dell:/home/vic # freebsd-version -u
and now no one service started successfully during booting. Reason look come from
root@dell:/home/vic # service syslogd onestart
/etc/rc.d/syslogd: DEBUG: pid file (/var/run/syslog.pid): not...
When I run the bluetooth script I notice it doesn't have any variables:
root@www# service bluetooth rcvar
# bluetooth
compare to another random service
root@www# service ntpd rcvar
# ntpd
# (default: "")
so, most other services have an "enable" variable that I can put...
I am using ids-tools to convert read unified2 log files from security/snort and output events as JSON. I've written a rc.d script to start ids-tools at start-up but it doesn't appear to work.
This is the rc.d script I've drafted. I am terrible at shell scripting. Could someone help me...
I have a very basic system setup comprising apache24, mysql-server and tomcat8.
But it won't boot properly. Tomcat is started before mysql-server and the web app fails to start.
rcorder /etc/rc.d/* /usr/local/etc/rc.d/* gives:
I've hit a wall trying to understand why the ${name}_chdir variable is not working for me. Finally, after letting my script run with -xv, I see that the cd command is not even being run in my case. Here is my script:
set -xv
exec 1>/tmp/awning.rclog 2>&1
When installing a new FreeBSD 11.0 with zfs root, the installer creates 2 zfs pools and puts the contents of /boot in zfs:bootpool/boot. /boot is a symlink pointing to /bootpool/boot
Normal boot process then does not mount bootpool (nice little security extra there) so the /boot symlink points...
On pfSense 2.2.4 (FreeBSD 10.1), my custom init script filebeat_wrapper won't start at boot.
According to rcorder it should start right after boot:
# rcorder /etc/rc.d/* /usr/local/etc/rc.d/*
As of FreeBSD 10.0, a "light" version of Subversion has been integrated into the base system. It includes most of the svn tools, though the filenames have been changed (e.g. "svnlite" instead of "svn", "svnliteserve" instead of "svnserve" etc.) Most people probably would use this for the...
Hey Forum,
Lately I often need to create rc.d for a new services, and for educational purpose or thin rc.d profiling it's ok, moreover over time it takes less effort and time and result is more satisfying. But sometimes I just want a simple daemon to be ported and waste my time to do repetitive...
Good afternoon all,
I've installed Gitlab into a FreeBSD 10.2 Jail and got everything working nicely, except for the fact that when the Jail starts, Gitlab doesn't...All of the other related services start (redis, postgresql, and nginx).
The rc script I'm using is from here and I've placed it...
I started working with a great web server called caddy and started working on an rc.d script to get it running as a service. I put together a script that mostly worked seen here. The bug in this original script was that the service would start on boot/reboot, but it didn’t play well with the...
On various servers, I'm facing problems with processes like security/openvpn or Jails and their interaction with pf.
They require specific rules involving network interface or IP address that do not exists yet on the system when pf starts. Hence for security/openvpn I've got this at...
I'm trying to install a rc.d script to run at startup and shutdown, but it only run at startup.
Reducing the script to a skeleton test, I have the following:
#!/bin/sh -
# PROVIDE: test
# KEYWORD: nojail shutdown
. /etc/rc.subr
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