I have a DHCP Server which is sending DHCP option 134 (a simple string of "this that something else"), and an altered MTU (1300) using dnsmasq:
dhcp-option-force=FREEBSD,134,this that something else
dnsmasq-dhcp: 1 sent size: 2 option: 26 mtu 1300...
I've attempted to boot a diskless guest via PXE. Unfortunately, it's not working for me. Here's what I have done and tested successfully. All involved systems are FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE:
NFSv3 setup on guest 1 "NFS server"
exports /nfs and all subdirectories with -maproot=0
base.txz, kernel.txz...
My setup is like following.
server1 = primary server setup with carp, it is running the dnsmasq and it is also the gateway for my local network
server2= secondary server setup with carp, it is also running the dnsmasq (/var/db/dnsmasq.leases is copied from server1) and it is...
I am attempting to boot FreeBSD (base.txz and kernel.txz of 14-CURRENT snapshot) over the network with nfsroot.
My DHCP/NFS server is Ubuntu 20.04 and running dnsmasq for DHCP.
It boots a legacy BIOS mode client machine with pxeboot and nfsroot without problem.
My loader.conf is...
Dear Helpers,
I am pretty much new to PXE installation and even System management. (Please forgive me if any term is not vague or incorrect.)
Almost for 4 days, I have been struggling to install FreeBSD-12.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso into the hard disk but I am not sure about how I set the boot...
Hello all,
I have a set of diskless clients that I want to run off of TFTP + NFS / PXEBOOT
To achieve this I have set up an install medium that boots the device , executes a script under systemd(linux) that mounts my FreeBSD 12.1 server and starts copying the files to their new roots.
From the official wiki pxeboot(8) I could see that the option root-path must be given in order to finish netboot for FreeBSD using NFS mount root directory, for instance:
option root-path "nfs://";
but in this case, it is only possible to boot a certain version of FreeBSD that...
Hello SMEs,
I have learned from a Pluralsight course on how to PXE install Linux Distributions, e.g. CentOS7.2. And I succeeded following the guideline of the course, i.e. by setting up a DHCP, TFTP server, and FTP server, then configure the pxelinux.0 file as needed. The process is pretty neat...
I am trying to setup a PXE boot server so that I network install FreeBSD and Linux (redhat & centOS). I am doing this on FreeBSD 12.1
I am have FreeBSD setup on a server with ZFS-on-root using tftp-hpa.
My question is - Do I have to have a NFS mount for booting FreeBSD? Can I make it a...
I want to make a PXE BSD Install. The DHCP Server is running and is being recognized. But I get a Timeout for TFTP.
My Config files:
I tried with Windows Programm "Serva Community" and it worked. It...
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