
  1. W

    How can a non-programmer help the project

    Hey all! I've been using FreeBSD for a while now, and I'd like to contribute to the project. However, I am not a programmer (at least not a good one, especially in C). Are there any ways I can help?
  2. fabzter

    Solved 14.1 Release installer stuck

    Hey! Let me give you a little background. I'm a Linux user. Not a very good Linux user. I prefer to point and click. I prefer to not deal with things and have my OS "just work". That doesn't mean I don't get dirty with lower level stuff, it's just that I'm not really experienced. However I've...
  3. W

    Wifi issues on T430

    Hello everyone, I've just installed on my T430 a few days ago, and I'm facing some wifi issues. Occasionally, when I boot up, I get no network. I am unable to turn on wifi 1 on Networkmgr, and WPA_Supplicant and WPA_CLI did not work and I'll have to reboot to try again. I'll post any logs you...
  4. W

    Why the continued separation from Linux?

    Sorry if this is offensive, but why the continued separation from Linux? I know that they both started separate, but I feel like both projects could get a lot of good from a merging. The BSD software could get a lot more eyes upon it, and Linux could gain more ingrained support for things like...
  5. W

    How do I play Runescape on BSD?

    Hey all, I just installed, and I wanted to play RuneScape. I know Runelite got deprecated by Jagex. How could I play the official client, or another one on BSD?
  6. W

    How do I switch from Linux to BSD and what are its main strengths over Linux?

    Hey all! I've been using Linux for quite a while now. Currently, I'm using Gentoo to learn about Unix-Like OSes and how C works (though the second part isn't going too well), and I think that I should also try BSD. I would like to ask how I would switch over, i.e. get Firefox, Steam, and such...
  7. srey

    ZFS Tune ZFS to take in account the speed difference between 2 disk : Sata SSD / M2 interface storage

    Hi ! I'm totally new to BSD (comming from Ubuntu/Debian land), starting an Homelab project with recent refurbished hardware : Optiplex 3080, 8gb ram, core I5 10500T (6 cores / HyperThread Yes). I'm planning something simple with this homelab : - ZFS crypted / Yubikey - Containers ( or a...
  8. Scribner

    Best (and Most Correct) Way to Run FreeBSD for Desktop

    I want to give FreeBSD another chance. I've used FreeBSD as a desktop a little bit for about a year. But I am a complete noob and need the help of The FreeBSD Forums once again if I am to use it as my primary desktop. See these two blog posts I made about how I installed FreeBSD (with the...
  9. Spity

    Solved Change language of Gnome Desktop

    Hi, I have installed FreeBSD 12.2 with Gnome. Is there any way to change it to Spanish?
  10. D

    Newbie to FreeBSD with questions

    Hello. I've been using several distros of Linux in the last couple of years so while I am seeing some similarities between it and FreeBSD (both being Unix-based, I'm aware), I realize I need some help to fully get around it. I can see that FreeBSD isn't an out-of-the-box desktop experience...
  11. R

    Upgrading the whole system (including packages)

    Hello FreeBSD forum! I just installed FreeBSD for the first time and wanted to upgrade the whole system. (I'm planning on only using the pre-compiled packages, if that matters. And I have ran the # /usr/sbin/pkg command) But did I understand correctly that if I run # freebsd-update fetch #...
  12. L

    On the fence with BSD, looking for some advice

    Hello All! My apologises if this is in the wrong section, this is my first post here. So I am currently a Linux user, Parabola Linux specifically, and recently I have watched some videos that have peaked my interest towards BSD, more than likely TrueOS, but I have some questions that relate to...
  13. Reptile

    Noob tutorials

    This is meant to help the absolute beginner to UNIX-like operating systems get started with FreeBSD. Apart from reading the first chapters of the handbook I can also recommend reading this, or any other introductory material to UNIX, before starting with these. Colorized output from ls by...