
  1. rwv37

    ZFS zfs for mysql - separate data and logs? what logs? where are these logs?

    I'm about to set up mysql on a machine, and I know that in the past I've read about setting up specifically tweaked dedicated zfs datasets for it. I've never done that for mysql before, but I figure now if ever is the time to try it out. So, I searched for info about this to refresh my memory...
  2. F

    How to fix mysql-server won't start after pkg upgrade 8.0 to 8.1

    I briefly knocked my personal web server offline while upgrading the database. In this thread I explain the errors I encountered and how to fix them. 1. Different lower_case_table_names settings for server ('0') and data dictionary ('1'). Probably best to back up your config file before...
  3. K

    Mail server: Postfix with MySQL and SASL together on a single package?

    Hi. I'd like to move my mail server (postfix+dovecot) from OpenBSD to FreeBSD 14. Under OpenBSD, there is a package of Postfix with SASL2 and MySQL support together (postfix-3.8-sasl2-mysql). Is there anything like that under FreeBSD, containing both SASL and MySQL support as a single package...
  4. decuser

    Solved mysql or mariadb

    I seem to recall kde depending on mysql, but my notes on this are ancient and I'm not using kde. But, my question is, is there a preference for one over the other in FreeBSD? I don't have a personal preference.
  5. M

    Solved What happened to databases/percona?

    I was hoping to migrate from MySQL to Percona, but I no longer see in the ports system. Why was it removed?
  6. m_pahlevanzadeh

    Postfix and schema of RDBM

    according to the guide , I'm installing an MTA, and MDA and so on. I didn't find schema of the following cf files: # touch /usr/local/etc/postfix/ # vim /usr/local/etc/postfix/ user = postfix...
  7. superdanglyde

    CodeIgniter 4 not working on FreeBSD with PHP, PHP-FPM, Apache, and MySQL

    I have uploaded a CodeIgniter 4 website that's working perfectly fine on web hosting and local server into a FreeBSD server running with PHP, PHP-FPM, Apache, and MySQL. The virtual hosts has been set up to use the 'public' directory as the root. But when accessing the website via the domain...
  8. Buck

    mysqldump replacement or correct options?

    I'm not too skilled in SQL software in general and always relied on mysqldump command to do complete and comprehensive "snapshot-type" backup of everything. However I found out recently that it doesn't work properly on some complex databases, such as the one created by Magento. Backups would be...
  9. K

    ZFS optimization for MariaDB/MySQL server?

    I'm planning to set my MariaDB SQL server with the following options on FreeBSD 13.1 + ZFS. I'm planning a modest, non-dangerous set of options: skip-innodb_doublewrite symbolic-links=0 max_allowed_packet=512M max_connections=250 innodb_io_capacity=15000 innodb_doublewrite = 0...
  10. blind0ne

    freeRADIUS help needed

    Hello, Just looking for someone to help of exploring freeRADIUS server. I need to somehow get familiar with server in order to apply additional profiles to the NAS, but now I'm somewhere close of being alone because of some tragic situation in local area. Please help, even might pay for...
  11. blind0ne

    Working with terminal in mysql with different encodings on freebsd

    Hello, I'm trying to "work" with KOI-8R scripts on new FreeBSD installation, but there is one problem, the Russian characters itself looks like mess. On Linux where my production server is, before accessing mysql I'm typing some magic "source 2koi", and on locale command have such: # locale...
  12. M

    Solved php 8.1 pdo_mysql broken

    Hello! It seems like databases/php81-pdo_mysql doesn't build, is it still needed? I can't get pdo_mysql to work in any other way. Thanks for any help.
  13. Sparkee

    Solved FreeBSD running out of memory - MySQL

    My 12.2-RELEASE-p3 server is running out of memory then crashing, most of the memory is used by mysql57-server-5.7.32 The server is using ZFS, any ideas what should I check/change? % sysctl hw.physmem hw.physmem: 137297674240 % sysctl hw.ncpu hw.ncpu: 72 /var/log/messages says things like Jan...
  14. m_pahlevanzadeh

    Solved InnoDB: Upgrade after a crash is not supported

    I upgraded my mariadb to 105 and get the following error message after running upgraded my mariadb to 105 and get the following error message after running /usr/local/libexec/mysqld my error: /root{106}# tail -f /var/log/mysql/mysqld.err 2022-01-01 3:12:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer...
  15. m_pahlevanzadeh

    mysql can't start after upgrade

    I upgrade my freebsd and all of my packages, But mysql can't start after upgrade. How do I start it? By the way, My MySQL doesn't create any log messages.
  16. fullauto2012

    Solved Nextcloud issues.

    Installed Nextcloud a while back and ran into some issues. I immediately ran into some health/family issues so I left if as it was and am now just getting back to it.. When I check the log file I get: Some info for the minds here to help: FreeBSD Bender 13.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE #0...
  17. alfikmik

    Solved problem with sieve ... Postfix + mysql+ postfixadmin + dovecot + sieve + amavisd (with spamassassin and clamav)

    Hi there got problem with sieve (it doesn't move mails to directories i mean spam to "Junk" folder. In logs there is no information about any errors. Spamassassin is called from amavisd and tags mail (as spam) properly but sieve doesn't move mails. installed packages: amavisd-new-2.12.0_1,1...
  18. kel

    new article on nginx, php-fpm, and mysql 8 on FreeBSD 12 for Wordpress hosting

    Hi fellow enthusiasts, I wrote a short article on securing a FreeBSD 12 web server with nginx, php-fpm and mysql 8 by focusing on website isolation. Specifically, the goal was to create different php-fpm pools for each nginx virtual server, with them sharing a unique socket for each website. In...
  19. S

    Solved Can't connect to mysql database after upgrading to mariadb 10.4.13_3

    After upgrading to mariadb 10.4.13_3 I'm unable to connect to mysql server via the normal port method. I can connect from the command line and via socket though. Anyone have any idea why that might be? I've read UPDATING and all the stuff about the new config file locations, etc. and everything...
  20. F

    Update mysql/eject mysql from kde plasma

    Once I install kde plasma on my desktop, it uses mysql57. However I want to upgrade it to mysql 80 and "eject" the dependency it from kde plasma. IF I do pkg remove -f mysql57 the system works fine as it is not used much, however when I try to install mysql80 it tries to "update" my packages and...