
  1. N

    Rhythmbox does not run

    Platform: FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE amd64 Installed from: pkg Package version: 3.4.6_5 Issue Description: After running the software as a normal user, the following error is shown: nphuracm@nphuracm-Amitie-FreeBSD ~> rhythmbox ** ERROR:scsi-cam.c:173:brasero_device_handle_open: assertion failed...
  2. tulilirockz

    Pipewire + pipewire-pulse as main audio server

    Pipewire is a really solid technology and I've been using it for a while on Linux, works great for routing, works great for pretty much everything. I've since tried out FreeBSD on a dual boot partition and I noticed that you guys do not use it! - using, instead, either OSS, Sndio, or something...
  3. hakova

    Solved Sound from HDMI

    Hi, I did some search in the forum but couldn't find a thread about my issue. I have a FreeBSD (14.1) media PC that I use the headphone socket for analog audio output, but I would like to get digital audio output from the HDMI instead. HDMI is listed among the audio output devices in Pulse...
  4. S

    Solved MuseScore4 4.2.1 - App crashes when choosing sound device and has no sound output

    Hello everyone, I have a problem when it comes to playback sound output from Musescore. When I open the program and want to play the notes, there is no sound output. And when I choose a sound device inside "Edit"->"Settings"->"IO" and the buffer rate, the app crashes. But when I open the...
  5. R. Esner

    Solved kdenlive avfilter effects not functioning

    Sometime in November or so, (seemingly all of) MLT's avfilter effects on multimedia/kdenlive stopped working. I can add them to audio but they have no effect. Note that the 'not available' plugins do not show up in the plugin view at all. MLT effects. avfilter effects have 'avfilter.'...
  6. ArgentoSoma

    Solved Audacity port and package

    Hello! I have a concern about the Audacity package, which you can see in FreshPorts, but it does not appear in the binary packages. There is a problem with the package, or it is not being compiled for some reason.
  7. I

    Solved VLC crashes when trying to play DVDs

    I just got a Blu-Ray USB player and FreeBSD detects it just fine. I've made sure it works by mounting it and I can see everything just fine. I'm having an issue where VLC keeps crashing whenever I try to play from DVD. I'm trying to play a DVD on the Blu-Ray, specifically Matrix Reloaded. I...
  8. D

    Unable to build OBS because of old github issue

    Since last year if you try to build multimedia/obs-studio, it throws a link to this Github issue and says obs-studio is marked as broken. It seems like this was fixed in October yet we still can't build it - the tag is for 27.2.3 and that version is currently in quarterly ports. Anyone know why?
  9. D

    multimedia/avidemux installed but nowhere to be found

    I installed multimedia/avidemux to try it out as a video editor via pkg install avidemux. It installed successfully, but it is nowhere to be found in my applications menu (in other words, there's not a .desktop file) and running avidemux in the terminal gives nothing. Does avidemux run with a...
  10. michael_hackson

    Solved Suggestions for sound-enhanced experience

    Hello Team! There has been a while since I was active and I am back in a little of an emergency. On my laptop running FreeBSD I have had some mixed experiences with the sound. There is no troubles with the driver or system settings (as far as I know) but somehow it seems that the sound quality...
  11. decuser

    KAudioCreator not recognizing CD drive

    Hi, I'm using FreeBSD 11.1 on a Dell Optiplex 755. It comes with a DVD player that I am able to play DVD's and Audio CD's with just fine. I decided that I wanted to rip an audio cd into mp3s today and I haven't been able to find a method that is satisfactory. Ideally, I would insert the CD...
  12. S

    Unable to compile gpac-0.6

    Hi, I am trying to compile latest gpac on FreeBSD-10.3 since it comes with gpac-0.5 in ports while we need 0.6 version. So i tried to download latest from github ( but on gmake it gives following error : Can i get any help to fix it ?
  13. D

    Playback of BluRay disks?

    Has anyone managed to play BluRay disks with FreeBSD? I have a BluRay drive and tried building the multimedia/vlc port with libbluray support enabled, but even with the KEYDB.cfg file from the vlc-bluray site installed I get an unhelpful error message. Has anyone ever managed to make this work...