
  1. ZioMario

    mount: /dev/md1: No such file or directory

    Hello. What I would like to do is to increase the internal space of the qcow2 file below (where there are 3 partitions : GPT ; root UFS and swap,checked in Linux). This is what I tried : mdconfig -a -t vnode -f FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.qcow2 md1 mkdir -p /mnt/md1 mount -t ufs...
  2. ZioMario

    I'm looking for a secure ext driver for linux which works great on Freebsd

    Hello. Since I have a lot of disks partitioned and formatted with the ext4 fs,I'm looking for a working ext driver that can I use on Freebsd that gives to me read and write access to those disks. I've found the fuse-ext2 from the ports,but here : I can...
  3. rfriemer

    Mount Point of USB-Sticks

    Hello, I'm just new as a Member, but have read a lot here in this forums ans got a lot of help. So, Thanks a lot for that. Now, I have a Problem, which I couldn't found in the Internet and perhaps somebody could give me a hint. I am using FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE with Plasma5 and I have a Problem...
  4. J

    Solved Unexpected behavior mounting NFS share to jail data

    The following scenario is happening on two freshly installed FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE hosts. Host A acts as an NFSv4 server. It provides the following share: Host B can successfully mount and browse the share using mount -t nfs -o nfsv4,rw /mnt. Host B...
  5. M

    Solved automount zfs partition from usb drive at boot

    Hello. I recently installed freebsd 13 release on a raspberry pi 4 (copying the image on a sd card using dd). I want to use a usb drive to hold some data, such as music, and I would like it to be mounted on boot because some service requires it. Ever command was executed as root. I first...
  6. tyson

    ZFS poudriere jail - not mounting filesystem

    I have a minor problem with my jail configuration for poudriere builder. Everything works, except poudriere jail dataset is not getting mounted on jail start filesystems hierarchy is : fbsd/usr/jails/JAIL_NAME for jails root / fbsd/pdr/w0 poudriere jail filesystem. zfs set jailed=on fbsd/pdr/w0...
  7. O

    can't mount Dangerously Dedicated USB stick

    Hello fellow FreeBSD users, I try to mount a USB stick to recover a geli key. This stick has a full install and I used to boot on it and run FreeBSD (version 7 or 8). When I created it I did not use slices and make it dedicated (I forgot why). The server hardware is broken and I can't boot on an...
  8. Spity

    Solved Help to run a simple script on startup

    How can run this script on startup? #!/bin/bash sudo kldload fuse sudo ntfs-3g /dev/ada2s1 /mnt/ -o -ro xdg-open /mnt/ &> /dev/null
  9. Nick-6

    Xfce How to mount disks (ext4, ntfs, fat) from right click menu?

    I've installed sysutils/fusefs-ntfs and sysutils/fusefs-ext2. I've hald_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf and fuse_load="YES" in /boot/loader.conf. I can mount FAT disks with mount -t msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /media/usb, EXT4 disks with mount -t ext2fs /dev/ada0p3 /media/ExtHDD/ and NTFS disks with...
  10. Yaazkal

    Other mount does not recognize slice at the first try (12.2-RELEASE)

    Hi, I'll like to understand this behaviour, maybe am I missing something? mount does not recognize the slice at first try, I end up producing an error so I can mount it. When I try something like sudo mount -t msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt/microsd it says: "mount_msdosfs: /dev/da0s1: No such file or...
  11. jjsingh

    Mounting hard drives(NTFS)/USB storages(FAT32 or exFAT), etc on FreeBSD 12.2

    Hi Everyone, I'm coming from the LINUX to try FreeBSD. I downloaded and created bootable USB stick of FreeBSD 12.2 DVD ISO and booted into FreeBSD as a livefs. I've wanted to store the output of below cmds to check hardware compatibility of my device. # mount -u -o rw / # dmesg >...
  12. M

    Other diagnose iSCSI connected drive

    Hi guys, I have an older Synology DiskStation, which I had been using as an iSCSI LUN Then from the server the iSCSI connection works, but the disk cannot be mounted. mount # mount /dev/da0 /mnt mount: /dev/da0: No such file or directory da0 is not part of any zpool and does not contain a...
  13. I

    Solved Cannot mount pendrive

    Well actually it is a 16GB micro SD card in an USB adapter. It works properly on another computer with win7 and I used it for ubuntu with an arm sbc too. I made it fat32 under freebsd with sade, but I cannot mount it. I checked on win7 and formatted it, but even after that I cannot mount it on...
  14. NapoleonWils0n

    mount linux ext4 drives on Freebsd

    You can mount linux ext4 drives on Freebsd using fusefs-ext2 package Install fusefs-ext2 # pkg install fusefs-ext2 Enable the fuse kernel module To enable loading FUSE kernel module at boot add fuse_load=YES line to the /boot/loader.conf file Edit /boot/loader.conf # vi /boot/loader.conf...
  15. zoujiaqing

    Other Mount ExFat using fusefs-exfat: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory

    My USB storage device is 64GB ExFAT. but using `gpart` command show NTFS? [zoujiaqing@freebsd /home/zoujiaqing]$ sudo mount.exfat /dev/da0s1 /mnt FUSE exfat 1.3.0 fuse: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory [zoujiaqing@freebsd /home/zoujiaqing]$ gpart show da0 => 63...
  16. J

    mount a nfs folder from qnap-nas

    hello people, i run freebsd 12 in virtualbox on ubuntu. on ubuntu my folder from qnap-nas is mounting like this: first install "nfs-common" and than write in the /etc/fstab x.x.x.x:/qnap-folder /home/user1/qnap nfs rw 0 0 when i start my file-explorer in ubuntu, i get automatically the...
  17. U

    Error 19 FreeBSD 12 USB

    My laptop is a Lenovo V110-15AST AMD A9-9410 I downloaded the img file to write onto a USB 3 8GB stick. After, I then used dd to write the image sudo dd if=/home/ukbeast/Downloads/FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=sync I then have 3 partitions on the stick as: sdb1...
  18. J

    Solved Do nullfs mounts count toward disk usage?

    This is probably a very simple, bordering on stupid, question; so apologies for that. Do nullfs mounts (of host filesystems) within a jail count toward actual disk usage? If I mount a host filesystem in a jail as a read-only nullfs, doing du on the jail includes the (size of the) mounted...
  19. vermaden

    HOWTO: FreeBSD Desktop - Part 17 - Automount Removable Media

    I would like to share HOWTO in ??????? ??????? series about fonts and frameworks. FreeBSD Desktop - Part 17 - Automount Removable Media You may also like earlier articles in the series. FreeBSD...
  20. The Alchemist

    Understanding permissions in jails and host

    Hello everyone, I have recently upgraded my FreeBSD 10.3 server to 11.2. With this change, I also setup my system using jails: - Plex - Samba - Apache PHP stack - Nginx Node.js stack - Database stack - Etc. I have two ZFS pools: - zfs-os the FreeBSD OS - data mounted to /data I am using...