
  1. haidarvm

    Available memory is shrink

    I new to FreeBSD. I didn't notice the htop / avail memory but after I upgrade from 13.2 to 14.0 RELEASE. It's show Avail memory only 2.8GB the actual mem is 12GB. uname -a FreeBSD hfbsd 14.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 #0: Tue Mar 26 20:26:20 UTC 2024...
  2. mathiasp

    Alternative to sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) to get available memory?

    Hi all, I'm just trying to compile osm2rdf (osm map data to GeoSPARQL), and found that they use sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) to get available memory: int64_t available() { return sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) * sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); } Looking at sysconf(3) I can see that we do not have...
  3. S

    Solved Why are there so many daemons working for the same service?

    Last Sunday, I successfully migrated to a new NAS, as the disks were starting to fail. The old NAS had 16GBs of RAM while the new one just had 8GBs. I knew that would not be enough as there are more than 25 active users. But the machine came with just 8GBs and I was told to wait for...
  4. I

    Intel’s Total Memory Encryption

    Is Intel’s Total Memory Encryption (Multi-Key) feature supported in FreeBSD? And if so, how to enable it?
  5. A

    Tracking memory spikes causing process issues

    Hi, I'm running on FreeBSD 12.2 running a group of python processes under supervisor. We have now twice run into an issue where processes have been caused to enter either T or I status causing access to them to be no longer possible. In both circumstances, kill commands to the processes were...
  6. decuser

    Solved Sas card and mem

    I recently installed a SAS controller (LSI-9207-8i pcie) into my new to me Lenovo Thincentre m92p. While doing so, I experienced 3 long and one short beeps from the POST. That’s supposedly a mem issue. I had 32 GB installed, so I removed one 8GB stick and the machine booted fine... with 24 GB...
  7. G

    Memory optimization for APU board

    I have a fairly large set of data (about 5 millions entries) which are loaded into Unbound to do some RPZ filtering. On an Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C3558 @ 2.20GHz (4 cores) with 8GB of RAM, loading the list takes about 1GB of RAM On an APU board with 4 cores AMD GX-412TC SOC (4 cores) and 4GB of...
  8. I

    Ideas for storage server

    Hi, dear FreeBSD community! Introduction My name is Ivan. I'm a software developer with a background in Java and C++. Because of the enormous demand for programmers with DevOps skills, I'm working on a daily basis with Kubernetes. But I hate it since when 5 years ago I started working with...
  9. K

    Understanding memory management

    Hi Everyone, I'd like to learn more about how FreeBSD manages memory, specifically about the types of memory that top shows. I've read a few articles on the topic, also Chapter 7 in the Architecture Handbook. The following is my current understanding on the subject. Please clarify if I got...
  10. nbari

    how to speed/improve memcpy

    I am running a Redis (version 6.2.5) cluster "sentinel" of 3 nodes (1 master, 2 replicas), OS FreeBSD 13, the dataset is approximately 70GB, the system has 320GB RAM, SSD disks, and the servers (dedicated, not VM's) are in the same network/datacenter, probably hardware is not a problem, but I...
  11. I

    bhyve bhyve memory leak

    I notice that there is substantial memory leak after using and shutting down a bhyve VM (in particular, I'm testing with OpenBSD guests). Starting from a freshly booted FreeBSD host (v.13), the Wired memory is about 500 MB, and after running the VM and ... - irregardless of setting the VM to...
  12. I

    Can't boot up a machine with replaced memory cards

    I bought and replaced some new memory cards (PC4-25600) for a notebook PC (NEC, purchased in Japan) already running FreeBSD. The RAM cards fitted perfected into the slots. However, upon turning on, FreeBSD does not boot up and the screen is blank. I don't think it is even getting through the...
  13. F

    Solved Core dumps on my /home/username/ !??!?

    Ok so FreeBSD secures memory and makes unreadable to non-root users. But by default FreeBSD comes with "ulimit = unlimited" and I think that can cause to make normal users be able to read other apps memories. No code execution maybe but core dumps can include special informations about...
  14. Cath O'Deray

    FreeBSD-provided disk images: problems with UFS, fsck_ufs (fsck_ffs(8)); partition sizes …

    Why not ZFS by default? Images are compressed before distribution. I assume that compression is very effective for: non-used space (free, never used) in file systems non-used swap space. Why is there so little free space in the file system for the base OS? Why is so little of the disk given...
  15. tarkhil

    out of swap space

    Apr 11 21:00:41 bipgame kernel: pid 10470 (mysqld), jid 2, uid 88, was killed: out of swap space Apr 11 21:00:46 bipgame kernel: pid 31041 (bhyve), jid 0, uid 0, was killed: out of swap space Apr 11 21:00:46 bipgame kernel: pid 42311 (node), jid 7, uid 0, was killed: out of swap space Apr 11...
  16. J

    contigmalloc and contigfree issue

    Hi, I am currently developing a driver, which uses quite large (2M+) contiguous memory chunks allocations via contigmalloc. I have noticed that contigmalloc as well as contigfree take a lot of time when dealing with large memory chunks and also a rather significant difference in number of...
  17. A

    C llvm10 memory sanitizer error at std::ostream::operator<<

    Hello! I created this simple source file: #include <iostream> int main(){ std::cout << "TEST" << std::endl; return 0; } Compiled this file with devel/llvm10: clang++10 -fsanitize=memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins=2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g -I/usr/include...
  18. H

    ZFS ZFS settings/tuning for 16GB RAM

    Hi, I'm using FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p4 as Desktop OS on my Lenovo X230 with 16GB RAM and ZFS as file system. This is my first FreeBSD install. So far, I haven't had any issues with ZFS, but I have some slightly concerning boot messages and was wondering if I should change any ZFS-related...
  19. goshanecr

    What information need to collect for a freeze diagnosting?

    Good day! I have a periodical freeze with one of FreeBSD instance. Logs have not any messages, and I want start collecting system info every 5 seconds for example and write it to log files, for diagnosting after freeze. That PC has a VirtualBox instance, ZFS on GELI based providers and samba...
  20. aragats

    Solved certain mono functions don't work?

    Are there mono users here? I noticed that some functions do not work properly unless I'm missing something. For example, Process.WorkingSet64 is supposed to return the amount of physical memory allocated for a process, however, it returns 0 in FreeBSD and the actual memory in Linux (the same...