
  1. yaslam

    Solved Offline installation of packages

    Hi everyone, I am a FreeBSD beginner and I have a system that is offline, this means I can't use any online package repo to install packages on said machine. This machine uses the i386 architecture and is on FreeBSD 12.0. Is there a way to download a repository of all the latest binary packages...
  2. D

    Solved I2P for local network: "Connection refused"

    So I've been trying to use i2p more often (Im using the .jar from the official website since i2p in ports is outdated), but the most annoying thing is using it on a main desktop computer so whenever you reboot it has to restart and build tunnels all over again. I see a lot of people set it up on...
  3. D

    Change motherboard time from UTC to LOCAL in bsdinstall

    Made a mistake in bsdinstall of choosing 'motherboard time is set to UTC' instead of LOCAL time during a fresh install of FreeBSD 13.0 This is a problem since I dual boot Windows which always expects mobo time to be local and changes the time automatically. Tried bsdinstall time but this only...
  4. W

    Setting up Ssl on Apache24 Server

    Hello everyone ! I want to set up ssl protocol for my local web server that i started with apache24. What should i do ? Which conf's should i edit ? What are the commands etc. This will help a lot. Btw. i have 2 .cer , 1 .crt , 1.p7b certificate file.