FreeBSD 13.0 - Intel Haswell DT-GT 1.5 Integrated Graphics GPU

Ok now can you do a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 with a drive that you don't have a backup of the data (assuming it is an usb external that is named da0, rename with what you have), of course do not mount it. I am not interesting to test it myself since I care about my data. Your answer make no sense since I was talking about accessing the raw devices not the filesystem.
If the drive is not mounted, the dd command is not going to work, and the raw device cannot be accessed, either. Output from dd will be redirected to stderr(4) in that case.
Funny you should say that, [USERTrihexagonald=30996]Trihexagonal[/USER] ... I've been doing that in 13-RELEASE since day 1. It's quite workable in KDE on my machine. Not completely ironed out ( a USB stick shows up as /media-5843276584275985987/, or /media/6549827698543769/, but still very usable, no need to su root to mount a USB stick. I actually did not even do anything special with /etc/fstab or anything like that...
I didn't say I wanted it to mount. I do not want my usr account to be able to mount a USB stick and have said so before. Now go ask Demonica to slap you.

Your answer make no sense since I was talking about accessing the raw devices not the filesystem.
I don't know how any of you graduated from college. You read at a 3rd grade level and revise to suit as you go. You were talking about it being able to delete "everything", But it could not delete anything.

At any rate, it's more BS I can do without and makes my point nicely.

I'm done answering your posts and all posts. I only responded on my way out to kick your dog because it was last in a line of garage about my tutorial.

Which I already requested be deleted so somebody who knew what they were doing could write one.

So hop to it, chop chop. It's on you now.
It seems that a lot of you are overlooking the permissions, I noticed a lot of the devfs.rules everyone posted have 666 permissions. When you set 666 (-rw-rw-rw) permissions the group membership becomes irrelevant because "others" or "world" (in other words, everyone and everything) has write access.
I noticed a lot of the devfs.rules everyone posted have 666 permissions.
That is the devs.rules file I brought with me and carried over from PC-BSD. That was their naming of it and what they're showing as "theirs" came from me.
Membership of the video group: clarification

With added emphasis:

If your user isn't part of the video group you can't open the drm nodes in /dev/{drm,dri} and so it won't "work". Starting xorg might work but starting anything wayland related will fail as it requires a drm render node.

If you don't need/want hardware accelerated graphics there is no need to even use the drm-kmod modules.

– <>

For me, X.Org does work without membership of the group – <> – YMMV.
Clarification? This is a very simple matter, all drm related work is done with that assumption (video group membership). Whether anything works is not the point. The point is that your configuration is unsupported and can be broken at any moment without a warning.

(And, please, don't use that devs.rules config from PC-BSD. It's not a coincidence that project is dead — those guys never had any idea what they were doing.)
  • Thanks
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With respect:

… The point is that your configuration is unsupported …

– no, that was not the point.

The configuration was for test purposes, to help ascertain what works. It's quite unlike my everyday configuration.

… please, don't use that devs.rules config from PC-BSD. …

Is what's below from PC-BSD? If so, I can't imagine how; there was a fresh installation of FreeBSD (without PC-BSD) long after I ceased using TrueOS.

% cat /etc/devfs.rules
add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group operator
add path 'acd*' mode 0666
add path 'cd*' mode 0666
add path 'pass*' mode 0666
add path 'xpt*' mode 0666


Clarification? This is a very simple matter, …

From what's linked below, and elsewhere, it seems that misunderstandings do occur.

Of course, I would like things to be simpler.[thread]=82392&o=date (it seems that I can not link this without breakage by XenForo).
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(And, please, don't use that devs.rules config from PC-BSD. It's not a coincidence that project is dead — those guys never had any idea what they were doing.)
Really? Dru Lavigne was one of the devs behind the PC-BSD project, same person is now running Dru has street cred by the truckload with other FreeBSD devs.
I'll make an exception and answer this. Sabina Anja and Allan Jude are running Klara. I have no idea if they employ Dru Lavigne or not. The rest of your claims are exactly as correct as this little fact.