Other NTFS doesn't unmount cleanly on shutdown

I have an NTFS partition that's mounted in fstab like so:

/dev/nvd0p5             /windows        ntfs    mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,rw,failok,fmask=113,dmask=002  0       0

When I modify a file on the partition and reboot (with shutdown -r now say) into either Windows or FreeBSD, then the changes are lost. If I manually unmount it (with umount /windows) prior to reboot, however, then the changes are persisted.

Any ideas what's wrong and how to solve it?
I had the same problem. See https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/files-disappear-after-reboot-on-ntfs-partition.79844/
Seems like this is an unresolved bug.

My workaround was to use another filesystem. :rolleyes:
Oh thanks! this didn't show up in my searches!

Another filesystem isn't an option for me -- that's the Windows partition. However I don't care about performance here -- so I'll try building without libublio and see if it helps.

Can't believe such blatant bugs are still open after 8 years :\
The question would be more of, is this really a bug or some intended feature by NTFS dev's (aka Microsoft)... I have never heard it has ever changed; in that the owner's/the actual devs of NTFS has ever supported that filesystem on anything but on Windows only.
The question would be more of, is this really a bug or some intended feature by NTFS dev's (aka Microsoft)... I have never heard it has ever changed; in that the owner's/the actual devs of NTFS has ever supported that filesystem on anything but on Windows only.
Huh? Microsoft isn't responsible for fuse-ntfs. It's fuse-ntfs devs' responsibility to make it work like it works on Windows, and Microsoft not supporting it has nothing to do with it being a bug or not.
The thing is, fuse NTFS is making assumptions on how NTFS works (they don't have access to the actual NTFS code). What is saying, that they are based off NTFS from pre Windows 2k; and not the version that windows 10/11 is using? As one thing that Microsoft changed in windows 8+ (it may have also been in 7 to a lesser extent) was what they referred to Fast Startup. Part of that "feature" is they changed how cached/dirty file state actually is handled; just like what how the filesystem is unmounted/mounted. That same "feature" has been causing numerous issues on non-Windows systems; as Microsoft has redefined internally what is clean mounted; which linux side never truly changed (since the change doesn't necessarily mean it has been noted in documentation). In the end, you are assuming this issue is a bug, but it can very well be an incompletely invalid reason, or the fuse-ntfs devs is considering it is a bug upstream of them and/or on NTFS it's self (which may very well be an intended functionality, but never mentioned).

Consider how long the issue is, chances are it's not a bug/they can't reproduce on their side or they consider this as some minor/edge case and have bigger fish to fry...