Other mutt and urlview settings for CLI and GUI ?


I use both the console or X (cwm) as a working environment. For vim I have an if-else statement in my vimrc that defines eg. the colour scheme when in one or the other environment.

I'd like the same for mutt, especially for opening url's in a browser -- lynx in console and seamonkey in X. I use xterm in X to operate mutt, in the console it's just the sh shell and screen.
  • .urlview seems not to be able to handle more lines with
    COMMAND <browsername> %s
    and/or if-statements;
  • .profile and other's (I could find) seem also 'one-size-fits-all', but probably I'm missing some skills...
My wish-list:
  • when in console, mutt opens an url in lynx;
  • when in X mutt opens an url in seamonkey
Does anyone have a solution to this?

Using the capabilities of mail/metamail, I can get mutt to do that (I use a different browser) with this in my ~/.mailcap
text/html; (uzbl-browser %s\; sleep 1); copiousoutput; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
text/html; lynx -stdin -dump -force_html; copiousoutput

EDIT: Order of the lines in .mailcap IS important!