Time Is UTC, but Time Zone Is Local

Here's exactly how the FreeBSD installer configured my Atheros wireless network adapter:


    ssid="<wireless network name>"
    psk="<wireless network password>"

ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
ifconfig_wlan0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
create_args_wlan0="country US"
Substitute your wireless hardware identifier for my "ath0"
/tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf ( # ee /tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf):
=====line 1 col 0 lines from top 1 ============================================

file "/tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf", 15 lines

/tmp/ifconfig.txt ( % vi /tmp/ifconfig.txt -- I looked at this file as a regular user rather than root, as I probably should have done above):
Script started on Wed Dec  8 19:27:57 2021
root@<hostname>:/home/<username> # ifconfig -a^M^M
em0: flags=8822<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500^M
        ether <macaddress>^M
        media: Ethernet autoselect^M
        status: no carrier^M
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384^M
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128^M
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2^M
        inet netmask 0xff000000^M
        groups: lo^M
        nd6 options=21<PERFORMNUD,AUTO_LINKLOCAL>^M
wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500^M
        ether <macaddress>^M
        inet6 fe80::b6d5:bdff:feb6:614c%wlan0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3^M
        inet6 fd52:7f4:4cdb:1:b6d5:bdff:feb6:614c prefixlen 64 autoconf^M
        inet6 <ipv6address> prefixlen 64 autoconf^M
        inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast^M
        groups: wlan^M
        ssid net channel 36 (5180 MHz 11a) bssid 30:57:8e:48:18:88^M
        regdomain FCC country US authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON^M
        deftxkey UNDEF AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 17 bmiss 10 mcastrate 6^M
        mgmtrate 6 scanvalid 60 wme roaming MANUAL^M
        parent interface: iwm0^M
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11a^M
        status: associated^M
root@<hostname>:/home/<username> # ex9^H^[[Kit^M^M

Script done on Wed Dec  8 19:28:40 2021
I used vi rather than ee this time because I didn't know how to use ee as well and realized I had been truncating my previous files. (Here's a web page I just made to document this fact.) Therefore, I am rewriting the contents of /etc/rc.conf from post #64:
ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
ifconfig_wlan0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
create_args_wlan0="country US"
# Set dumpdev to "AUTO" to enable crash dumps, "NO" to disable

Mark, I appreciate that you made things clear for a newbie and taught me some Unix commands/techniques.

If either of you, mark_j and Vull, would be able to look at the commands I ran as root in posts #41-47 in this thread, that would be nice. It's just that it seems like the issue with the login prompt might be related to what I did in those steps, and I wasn't really sure what I was doing.
They look fine to me.

Getting back to the topic at hand,
  1. What does service ntpd status report now?
  2. In previous posts you've stated that your clock is about one minute off. How are you making that determination? In other words, what clock or clocks are you using for comparison?
They look fine to me.

Getting back to the topic at hand,
  1. What does service ntpd status report now?
  2. In previous posts you've stated that your clock is about one minute off. How are you making that determination? In other words, what clock or clocks are you using for comparison?
1. See below.
<username>@<hostname>:~ % service ntpd status
ntpd is not running.
<username>@<hostname>:~ %
2. I used Time.gov, which I also use to sync all my watches and clocks. Bear in mind that my clock is now set, since SirDice had me run # ntpdate 0.us.pool.ntp.org in post #32.
So it seems that sometimes you're able to resolve 0.us.pool.ntp.org, but at other times, not.

Your configuration and mine are very similar, except that I don't use unbound(8). Unbound is somehow involved in DNS resolution, so maybe that might be a good place to look next?

Maybe check your unbound configuration (which I don't claim to understand very well), or maybe just try service ntpd status again after # sysrc unbound_enable="NO" and a reboot, just to see if that works by itself.
So it seems that sometimes you're able to resolve 0.us.pool.ntp.org, but at other times, not.

Your configuration and mine are very similar, except that I don't use unbound(8). Unbound is somehow involved in DNS resolution, so maybe that might be a good place to look next?

Maybe check your unbound configuration (which I don't claim to understand very well), or maybe just try service ntpd status again after # sysrc unbound_enable="NO" and a reboot, just to see if that works by itself.
I don't know how to check the unbound configuration, but I did try changing
in /etc/rc.conf (I take it this is equivalent to running # sysrc unbound_enable="NO") and then restarting. I got slightly different command prompt messages (see below and attachment commandprompt1.jpg), but then I logged in and ran % service ntpd status, which, as always, returned that "ntpd is not running." I went to reply to this thread, when suddenly I realized I had no internet! I had already made sure to change
after discovering ntpd was not running, so all I had to do was restart and hope the internet would come back. And it did!

The reason I enabled the startup service local_unbound when I installed FreeBSD is because Michael W. Lucas writes in Absolute FreeBSD, 3rd Edition: "I always enable ntpd (see Chapter 20) and local_unbound (see Chapter 8) so that the host's clock synchronizes itself to the public NTP servers and keeps a local DNS cache, but if your host doesn't have access to the public internet, they aren't as useful" (Lucas 44). (Note: Chapter 8 is titled "Configuring Networking.")

Maybe these photos of the messages I get invariably as my command prompt loads at boot time will be helpful. The file commandprompt1.jpg is what my command prompt looked like after trying your suggestion of changing
and then rebooting. Notice how, at the bottom, the message repeats itself after about 10 seconds, and then brings up the error resolving *.ntp.org again about a minute later. Then look at commandprompt2.jpg, what the command prompt for logging in looked like after changing
and restarting (and restoring internet access). Notice how the messages at the login prompt are just posted once -- and I did make sure to wait five minutes.

Is this helpful?


  • commandprompt1.jpg
    82.5 KB · Views: 114
  • commandprompt2.jpg
    80.6 KB · Views: 116
Not really helpful for me. I don't use local_inbound, don't have a reason to use it, and have not read Absolute FreeBSD. A quick look over your results and these search results is enough to dissuade me from now attempting to enable local_unbound on my own system.

I didn't expect this to happen when you changed local_inbound_enable to "NO", and can only guess that previously enabling local_inbound may have done something to your system configuration-- something which has not happened on my system-- and something which I don't wish to happen on my system.

I do think local_inbound might very likely be related to your problem, and hope that perhaps someone who is more familiar with local_inbound might be willing to help.
Not really helpful for me. I don't use local_inbound, don't have a reason to use it, and have not read Absolute FreeBSD. A quick look over your results and these search results is enough to dissuade me from now attempting to enable local_unbound on my own system.

I didn't expect this to happen when you changed local_inbound_enable to "NO", and can only guess that previously enabling local_inbound may have done something to your system configuration-- something which has not happened on my system-- and something which I don't wish to happen on my system.

I do think local_inbound might very likely be related to your problem, and hope that perhaps someone who is more familiar with local_inbound might be willing to help.
Thanks. I will look into whether I should enable local_unbound before I do my next install of FreeBSD.

1) Do you think disabling and then reenabling local_unbound could have had any adverse effects on the operating system?

2) Do you think the commands I ran as root in posts #41-47 in this thread are the reason why my computer now usually returns these error messages at the login prompt?

3) If "YES" to #2, do you know how to reverse the commands in question?
I see no reason to use unbound. I don't use it. My system(s) function perfectly fine without it.

If your system is still not resolving a time server, then it would seem to be your wifi connection.
Can you run ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan and show the output:
script /tmp/ifconfig.txt
ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan
Then post ifconfig.txt here.

I also wonder if you can check your router/wifi AP to see if it is preferring one mode over another. For example, the iwm(4) manual pages states:

"Currently, iwm only supports 802.11b and 802.11g modes. It will not associate to access points that are configured to operate only in 802.11n or 802.11ac modes."

So, this could explain the first few messages output as wlan0: Authentication with 30:57:8e:cc:85:a3 timed out.
and then finally, at 14:14:06, after the ntpd server has failed because it couldn't resolve a time peer:
Dec 8 14:14:08 <hostname> wpa_supplicant[68239]: wlan0: Associated with 30:57:8e:48:18:88
Therefore, if the router/WiFi AP can be configured to set 11g as its preferred method, you might get quicker connections.
Thanks. I will look into whether I should enable local_unbound before I do my next install of FreeBSD.

1) Do you think disabling and then reenabling local_unbound could have had any adverse effects on the operating system?
Possibly. Nothing irreversible, I'm sure, for those who know what they're doing. From what little I've read it appears to make changes to /etc/resolv.conf and maybe some other network configuration files, but I'm no expert on this. I'm just being cautious about it. I remember the resolv.conf file from ancient versions of unix, but haven't personally touched it in years. On my system it's been automatically configured by the BSD installer and looks like this, containing the IP addresses of my 2 Spectrum Internet DNS servers, followed by my local area network's default gateway router's address:
len@mlatest:~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by resolvconf

len@mlatest:~ $

2) Do you think the commands I ran as root in posts #41-47 in this thread are the reason why my computer now usually returns these error messages at the login prompt?
No I don't think so. I've read over those posts at least 3 times now, and tried them all on my own system, with no adverse effects. They will leave the diagnostic file named /var/log/ntp.log but it's totally harmless AFAIK and you can delete it whenever and if ever you wish.

3) If "YES" to #2, do you know how to reverse the commands in question?
# rm /var/log/ntp.log
I see no reason to use unbound. I don't use it. My system(s) function perfectly fine without it.

If your system is still not resolving a time server, then it would seem to be your wifi connection.
Can you run ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan and show the output:
script /tmp/ifconfig.txt
ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan
Then post ifconfig.txt here.
/tmp/ifconfig.txt pt. 1 (I learned I can use Firefox to open these text files):
Script started on Thu Dec  9 00:29:44 2021
root@<hostname>:/home/<username> # ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan

SSID/MESH ID                      BSSID              CHAN RATE    S:N     INT CAPS
CenturyLink1565                   60:31:97:a1:6f:14    1   54M  -83:-96   100 EP   SSID<CenturyLink1565> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400010000> ERP<0x4> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 12, chan load 78, aac 0> RRM_ENCAPS<46053208010000> HTCAP<cap 0x8ac param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 8,15,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> WPS<v:1.0 state:C vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd09001018020c000c0000> WPA<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
                                  80:da:13:86:b1:c9    1   54M  -74:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x2> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0253-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
d4c58                             80:da:13:86:b1:c3    1   54M  -76:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x1aef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,0,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<d4c58> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x4 CAPS:0x29> VHTCAP<cap 0x339159b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff>
BirdieTime                        80:da:13:86:b1:c6    1   54M  -75:-96   100 EPS  SSID<BirdieTime> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050401020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x2> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0253-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
                                  30:57:8e:cf:71:a5    1   54M  -77:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0251-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 0,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x00 pwr:[20:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
                                  80:da:13:f5:a2:e7    1   54M  -75:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0253-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
fbf02                             80:da:13:f5:a2:e3    1   54M  -75:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050401020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x1aef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,0,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<fbf02> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x2 CAPS:0x9> VHTCAP<cap 0x339159b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff>
Keeno Guest                       80:da:13:f5:a2:eb    1   54M  -76:-96   100 EPS  SSID<Keeno Guest> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050401020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0253-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
Keeno                             80:da:13:f5:a2:e5    1   54M  -75:-96   100 EPS  SSID<Keeno> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0253-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 5,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 3 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
Provo                             f2:f2:49:6c:fb:40    1   54M  -82:-96   100 EPS  SSID<Provo> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<1> TIM<050400010000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x2> XRATES<48,72,96,108> HTCAP<cap 0x1ad param 0x1b mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x400 txbf 0xd47e606 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 1, 0,1,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080000000200000040> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> ATH<0x7fff> MOBILITY_DOMAIN<3603485401> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK+?>
Akselswifi                        70:f2:20:6a:61:03    6   54M  -73:-96   100 EP   SSID<Akselswifi> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400010000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 1, chan load 32, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x1ad param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 0,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> WPS<v:1.0 state:C uuid-e:d9-96-db-82-4b-14-6c-23-84-88-ea-8b-e0-c6-e0-d1 rf:5Ghz,2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd090010180201101c0000> WPA<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x4 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
Bedroom TV.v                      fa:8f:ca:81:cf:00    6   54M  -82:-96   100 ES   SSID<Bedroom TV.v> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<05050002000000> ERP<0x0> HTCAP<cap 0x12c param 0x3 mcsset[0-7] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x9e1e008 antenna 0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> HTINFO<ctl 6, 0,1,0,0 basicmcs[]> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
Triforce                          f8:5e:42:53:e3:48    6   54M  -80:-96   100 EP   SSID<Triforce> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400010100> COUNTRY<US  1-11,27> TPCREP<23021800> ERP<0x4> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 11, chan load 89, aac 0> RRM_ENCAPS<46053000000000> HTCAP<cap 0x9ad param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 8,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> WPS<v:1.0 state:C rf:5Ghz,2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd0a001018020b001c000001> WME<qosinfo 0x8c BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
                                  60:5f:8d:c7:c4:29    6   54M  -79:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
83f32                             60:5f:8d:c7:c4:23    6   54M  -79:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x1aef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<83f32> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x4 CAPS:0x29> VHTCAP<cap 0x339159b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff>
GoldenGrey                        60:5f:8d:c7:c4:26    6   54M  -79:-96   100 EPS  SSID<GoldenGrey> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
CenturyLink3916                   92:ef:68:a9:c1:34    6   54M  -80:-96   100 EP   SSID<CenturyLink3916> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,18,36,72,108> DSPARMS<6> XRATES<12,24,48,96> COUNTRY<US  1-11,20> APCHANREP<class 32, chan:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]> APCHANREP<class 33, chan:[5,6,7,8,9,10,11]> WPS<v:1.0 state:C uuid-e:bc-32-9e-00-1d-d8-11-b2-86-01-92-ef-68-a9-c1-34 rf:2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> TIM<050400010000> WPS<v:1.0 state:C uuid-e:bc-32-9e-00-1d-d8-11-b2-86-01-92-ef-68-a9-c1-34 rf:2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> ERP<0x4> HTCAP<cap 0x11ee param 0x17 mcsset[0-15,32] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 0,6,0,0 basicmcs[]> OVERLAP_BSS<4a0e14000a002c01c8-> EXTCAP<7f0101> WPA<v1 mc:TKIP uc:TKIP+AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RSN<v1 mc:TKIP uc:TKIP+AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> BSSLOAD<sta count 3, chan load 84, aac 18> VEN<dd07000c4300000000>
                                  30:57:8e:48:18:89    6   54M  -39:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
41888e                            30:57:8e:48:18:83    6   54M  -42:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x1aef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<41888e> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x4 CAPS:0x9> VHTCAP<cap 0x339159b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff>
net                               30:57:8e:48:18:86    6   54M  -41:-96   100 EPS  SSID<net> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
                                  30:57:8e:cc:ba:45    6   54M  -47:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
41888e                            30:57:8e:cc:ba:41    6   54M  -48:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x1aef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<41888e> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x4 CAPS:0x29> VHTCAP<cap 0x339159b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff>
net                               30:57:8e:cc:ba:43    6   54M  -48:-96   100 EPS  SSID<net> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
                                  30:57:8e:cc:85:a5    6   54M  -56:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,6,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400000200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92398033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
41888e                            30:57:8e:cc:85:a1    6   54M  -56:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x1aef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,0,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<41888e> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x4 CAPS:0x29> VHTCAP<cap 0x339159b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff>
net                               30:57:8e:cc:85:a3    6   54M  -56:-96   100 EPS  SSID<net> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050401020004> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x12ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 7,6,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33803992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 4 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
DIRECT-99-HP OfficeJet 3830       f4:39:09:92:99:9a    6   54M  -78:-96   100 EP   SSID<DIRECT-99-HP OfficeJe...> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> DSPARMS<6> TIM<050400030000> PWRCNSTR<200100> TPCREP<23021400> ERP<0x0> RESERVED_47<2f0100> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> HTCAP<cap 0x20 param 0x1a mcsset[0-7] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 6, 8,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> VEN<dd090010180200000c0000> WME<qosinfo 0x88 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 6 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 1 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 1 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd12506f9a090202000501030600f63909-> WPS<v:1.0 state:C ap_setup:locked sel:F prim_dev:00030050f2040005 device_name:<DIRECT-99-HP OfficeJet 3830> vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd64080009000400000007010201000316->
Euteneuer                         cc:d4:2e:f2:d0:96   11   54M  -83:-96   100 EP   SSID<Euteneuer> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010000> TPCREP<23021500> ERP<0x4> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 7, chan load 23, aac 0> RRM_ENCAPS<46053200000000> HTCAP<cap 0x1ad param 0x17 mcsset[0-31] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f0a04000880010000c00140> VHTCAP<cap 0x0f8369b1 rx_mcs_map 0xffaa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xffaa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 11 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0x0000> WPS<v:1.0 state:C rf:5Ghz,2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd1e00904c0418bf0cb169830faaff0000-> VEN<dd090010180207001c0000> WME<qosinfo 0x88 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_108<6c02->
GoldenGrey                        3c:9a:77:4c:13:67   11   54M  -80:-96   100 EP   SSID<GoldenGrey> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 0, chan load 74, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x9b1 param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> WPS<v:1.0 state:C vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd090010180200005c0000> WPA<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
3B7990-2.4                        60:3d:26:3b:79:94   11   54M  -82:-96   100 EP   SSID<3B7990-2.4> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 0, chan load 81, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x9b1 param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,0,0,0 basicmcs[]> OVERLAP_BSS<4a0e14000a002c01c8-> EXTCAP<7f080500080000000040> VEN<dd090010180200005c0000> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
HansenWifi                        68:8f:2e:76:d8:e8   11   54M  -78:-96   100 EPS  SSID<HansenWifi> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010100> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x2> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RRM_ENCAPS<460573d000000c> HTCAP<cap 0x1ad param 0x1b mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x400 txbf 0xd47e606 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 0,5,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f0804000f0200000040> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> ATH<0x7fff> VEN<dd088cfdf00101020100> VEN<dd168cfdf004000049000003020972018c-> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK>
Weisman1991                       38:3f:b3:96:ea:50   11   54M  -70:-96   100 EP   SSID<Weisman1991> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 3, chan load 92, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x9ad param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> WPS<v:1.0 state:C uuid-e:1f-2c-28-82-f4-d5-ac-df-49-e0-6e-13-52-83-9b-f2 rf:5Ghz,2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd1e00904c0408bf0cb259820feaff0000-> VEN<dd090010180203005c0000> WPA<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x8c BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
Arbogast                          60:3d:26:3b:fc:5c   11   54M  -73:-96   100 EP   SSID<Arbogast> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010000> COUNTRY<US  1-11,30> ERP<0x4> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 7, chan load 26, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x9bd param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> WPS<v:1.0 state:C vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd090010180207005c0000> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
/tmp/ifconfig.txt pt. 2:
CenturyLink2467                   40:8b:07:7e:ce:e5   11   54M  -83:-96   100 EP   SSID<CenturyLink2467> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400010000> ERP<0x4> RESERVED_47<2f0104> RSN<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> XRATES<12,18,24,96> BSSLOAD<sta count 9, chan load 107, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x18bc param 0x17 mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,15,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f03000008> WPS<v:1.0 state:C vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd090010180209000c0000> WPA<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
4089f2                            f0:21:e0:ff:d9:d2   11   54M  -82:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,B12,18,B24,36> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050400020000> XRATES<B48,72,96,108> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x19e7 param 0x3 mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 7,4,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<4089f2> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x5 CAPS:0x9> VHTCAP<cap 0x73917992 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 9 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff1d-> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff07->
                                  f0:21:e0:ff:d9:d6   11   54M  -80:-96   100 ES   SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<11> TIM<050401020000> COUNTRY<USI 1-11,30> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0254-> HTCAP<cap 0x11ef param 0x3 mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 7,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f0a04000002000000400040> VHTCAP<cap 0x33800192 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 9 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x01 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00]> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff1d-> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff07-> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff0e-> VEN<dd1a00904c0408bf0c92018033faff0000-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
net                               30:57:8e:48:18:88   36   54M  -54:-96   100 EP   SSID<net> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> DSPARMS<36> COUNTRY<US  36-43,30> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0280-> HTCAP<cap 0x2ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 36, 5,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x338039b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 1 freq1_idx 42 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x02 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00 80:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
net                               30:57:8e:cc:ba:44   36   54M  -52:-96   100 EP   SSID<net> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> DSPARMS<36> COUNTRY<US  36-43,30 100-111,30 149-153,30> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0280-> HTCAP<cap 0x2ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 36, 5,6,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x338039b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 1 freq1_idx 42 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x02 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00 80:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
net                               30:57:8e:cc:85:a4   36   54M  -70:-96   100 EP   SSID<net> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> DSPARMS<36> COUNTRY<US  36-43,30 100-111,30 149-153,30> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> RRM_ENCAPS<46057200000000> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0280-> HTCAP<cap 0x2ef param 0x1b mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 36, 5,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x338039b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 1 freq1_idx 42 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x02 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00 80:30.00]> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
Weisman1991-5G                    38:3f:b3:96:ea:58   40   54M  -79:-96   100 EP   SSID<Weisman1991-5G> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> COUNTRY<US  36,30 40,30 44,30 48,30 52,24 56,24 60,24 64,24 100,24 104,24 108,24 112,24 116,24 120,24 124,24 128,24 132,24 136,24 140,24 144,24 149,30 153,30 157,30 161,30 165,30> PWRCNSTR<200100> TPCREP<23021200> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 4, chan load 52, aac 0> HTCAP<cap 0x1ef param 0x17 mcsset[0-31] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 40, 7,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f080400080000000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x0f8369b2 rx_mcs_map 0xffaa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xffaa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 1 freq1_idx 42 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0x0000> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x02 pwr:[20:1.00 40:1.00 80:1.00]> WPS<v:1.0 state:C resp_type:0x03 uuid-e:1f-2c-28-82-f4-d5-ac-df-49-e0-6e-13-52-83-9b-f2 manufacturer:<Broadcom> model_name:<Broadcom> model_number:<123456> serial_number:<1234> prim_dev:00060050f2040001 device_name:<BroadcomAP> cfg_mthd:keypad,label, rf:5Ghz,2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd0500904c0417> VEN<dd090010180204001c0000> WPA<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x8c BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
                                  46:37:86:14:65:d0    9   54M  -81:-96   200 EPS  SSID<> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<9> TIM<050400010000> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> RRM_ENCAPS<460573d000000c> HTCAP<cap 0x9ad param 0x3 mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 9, 0,17,0,0 basicmcs[]> OVERLAP_BSS<4a0e14000a002c01c8-> EXTCAP<7f0805000f0200000040> VHTCAP<cap 0x338959b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 0 freq1_idx 0 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> ATH<0x7fff> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> VEN<dd0b00146c0407020000000000> VEN<dd1f8cfdf0000001010001000046378615->
NETGEAR94                         3c:37:86:cf:fc:bb   10   54M  -73:-96   200 EP   SSID<NETGEAR94> RATES<B2,B4,11,22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<10> ERP<0x7> XRATES<12,18,24,96> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> BSSLOAD<sta count 5, chan load 63, aac 0> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_66<420200-> HTCAP<cap 0x9ad param 0x17 mcsset[0-23] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 10, 0,17,0,0 basicmcs[]> OVERLAP_BSS<4a0e14000a002c01c8-> EXTCAP<7f080500080000000040> VEN<dd0600146c000000> WPS<v:1.0 state:C resp_type:0x03 uuid-e:ec-8b-6d-d5-24-8e-bd-ee-99-91-8c-47-05-08-92-bd manufacturer:<NETGEAR, Inc.> model_name:<R7000P> model_number:<R7000P> serial_number:<32> prim_dev:00060050f2040001 device_name:<R7000P> cfg_mthd:virtual_display, rf:5Ghz,2.4Ghz vendor:00372a000120> VEN<dd1e00904c0408bf0cb259820feaff0000-> VEN<dd090010180205001c0000> WME<qosinfo 0x88 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 188] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 102]>
4089f2                            f0:21:e0:ff:d9:d1  161   54M  -79:-96   100 P    SSID<> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> DSPARMS<161> TIM<050400020000> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:?> HTCAP<cap 0x19e7 param 0x3 mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 161, 7,4,0,0 basicmcs[0-15]> MESHID<4089f2> MESHCONF<PATH:HWMP LINK:AIRTIME CONGESTION:DISABLED SYNC:NEIGHOFF AUTH:UNKNOWN FORM:0x5 CAPS:0x9> VHTCAP<cap 0x7391f9b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 1 freq1_idx 155 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xffff> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff1c-> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff07->
                                  f0:21:e0:ff:d9:d5  161   54M  -79:-96   100 E    SSID<> RATES<B12,18,B24,36,B48,72,96,108> DSPARMS<161> TIM<050400020000> COUNTRY<USI 36-39,30 52-55,24 100-111,24 149-153,30> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_59<3b0280-> HTCAP<cap 0x1ef param 0x3 mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 161, 7,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> EXTCAP<7f0a04000002000000400040> VHTCAP<cap 0x338001b2 rx_mcs_map 0xfffa rx_highest 0 tx_mcs_map 0xfffa tx_highest 0> VHTOPMODE<chw 1 freq1_idx 155 freq2_idx 0 basic_mcs_set 0xfffc> VHTPWRENV<tx_info 0x02 pwr:[20:30.00 40:30.00 80:30.00]> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff1c-> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff07-> UNKNOWN_ELEMID_255<ff0e-> WME<qosinfo 0x0 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> VEN<dd071422db02000000>
root@<hostname>:/home/<username> # exit


Script done on Thu Dec  9 00:30:30 2021
I also wonder if you can check your router/wifi AP to see if it is preferring one mode over another. For example, the iwm(4) manual pages states:

"Currently, iwm only supports 802.11b and 802.11g modes. It will not associate to access points that are configured to operate only in 802.11n or 802.11ac modes."

So, this could explain the first few messages output as wlan0: Authentication with 30:57:8e:cc:85:a3 timed out.
and then finally, at 14:14:06, after the ntpd server has failed because it couldn't resolve a time peer:
Dec 8 14:14:08 <hostname> wpa_supplicant[68239]: wlan0: Associated with 30:57:8e:48:18:88
Therefore, if the router/WiFi AP can be configured to set 11g as its preferred method, you might get quicker connections.
I looked into my Wi-Fi router--which is a new model--a little bit. I read that my Wi-Fi router uses Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), but is compatible with older Wi-Fi standards. I cannot, however, find a way to change which Wi-Fi standard my devices use (I tried looking in Settings on the eero app). This link might be helpful: <https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034404371-Does-eero-support-802-11ax->.

Possibly. Nothing irreversible, I'm sure, for those who know what they're doing. From what little I've read it appears to make changes to /etc/resolv.conf and maybe some other network configuration files, but I'm no expert on this. I'm just being cautious about it. I remember the resolv.conf file from ancient versions of unix, but haven't personally touched it in years. On my system it's been automatically configured by the BSD installer and looks like this, containing the IP addresses of my 2 Spectrum Internet DNS servers, followed by my local area network's default gateway router's address:
len@mlatest:~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by resolvconf

len@mlatest:~ $
I appreciate your honesty, and it's good to hear, if there is damage, it's probably not irreversible. I suppose it would be nice to find any issues now.

I ran % cat /etc/resolv.conf as a regular user. Should I have been root?
<username>@<hostname>:~ % cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by resolvconf
# nameserver

options edns0
<username>@<hostname>:~ %

No I don't think so. I've read over those posts at least 3 times now, and tried them all on my own system, with no adverse effects. They will leave the diagnostic file named /var/log/ntp.log but it's totally harmless AFAIK and you can delete it whenever and if ever you wish.

# rm /var/log/ntp.log
Thanks, that's definitely good to hear. So running that last command is acceptable, but not necessary?

is not

Thanks for catching that. I take it I made a foolish assumption because I didn't see unbound_enable in /etc/rc.conf. Vull and everyone, do you think I should add
to the bottom of /etc/rc.conf?

I ran % cat /etc/resolv.conf as a regular user. Should I have been root?
Doesn't matter.

<username>@<hostname>:~ % cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by resolvconf
# nameserver

options edns0
<username>@<hostname>:~ %
This helps to explain why your system is now dependent on local_unbound to resolve URLs like ntp.org.

Thanks, that's definitely good to hear. So running that last command is acceptable, but not necessary?
Correct. It's just a small file that isn't hurting anything.

The reason I don't have local_unbound_enable is because I don't really understand it. We should try to avoid enabling things we don't understand.

If we did want to use local_unbound, we should read up on it before enabling it. It's too complicated a subject for us to learn it well just by asking questions on internet forums.
So it seems that sometimes you're able to resolve 0.us.pool.ntp.org, but at other times, not.
Apart from this (wonky) wifi problem, why not try adding to /etc/rc.conf
During boot ntpd starts and will try to synchronize; it just may now succeed.

ntp.conf(5): adding specific logging provides more insight; in /etc/ntp.conf
logfile /var/log/ntp.log
logconfig =syncall +sysall +peerevents +allclock
Without ntpd_sync_on_start="YES" I can see in the log file (last 2 lines):
9 Dec 07:18:21 ntpd[8067]: c617 07 panic_stop +3600 s; set clock manually within 1000 s.
9 Dec 07:18:21 ntpd[8067]: c61d 0d kern kernel time sync disabled
This occurs in my case when ntpd cannot bridge the time difference between my clock and the ntp servers when I had set my BIOS clock ca. 1 hour early. After this, ntpd exits (and also disappears from the running processes of course); this process of failing to synchronize may happen quickly, say, in under a minute, or it may take a couple of minutes.

P.S. I have a (little) wonky wifi (receiver) in my laptop that also results in error resolving pool 0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org: Name does not resolve (8) sometimes.

P.P.S. *If* you can (temporarily) make a wired connection from your computer to your router that connects to the internet (and disable your wlan interface), you'll be able to separate the two problems.
Maybe. I really don't know. I'm retired and modern networking was never really my bailiwick anyway. Plus I have no experience with Mediacom.

This is all probably way too off topic for this thread also, but it just seemed to be worth pointing out. If I were in your situation I'd try re-installing without enabling local_unbound, just to eliminate local_inbound as a variable, but that's just my own slash-and-burn approach, which probably isn't appropriate for everyone. If you have another machine available you might try installing on that machine. Good luck.
(The above post is from another thread.) I am going to follow your slash-and-burn advice and reinstall FreeBSD without enabling local_unbound.

Would anyone else be able to share which services they enable or don't enable when installing FreeBSD (see attachment)?

This time, I will enable every service on my laptop except local_unbound and ntpdate. Does this sound good?

I'm still not really sure what local_unbound does, except for the book I quoted in one of my other posts:

The reason I enabled the startup service local_unbound when I installed FreeBSD is because Michael W. Lucas writes in Absolute FreeBSD, 3rd Edition: "I always enable ntpd (see Chapter 20) and local_unbound (see Chapter 8) so that the host's clock synchronizes itself to the public NTP servers and keeps a local DNS cache, but if your host doesn't have access to the public internet, they aren't as useful" (Lucas 44). (Note: Chapter 8 is titled "Configuring Networking.")

Furthermore, in 2.8.3 Enabling Services, the Handbook states: "local_unbound - Enable the DNS local unbound. It is necessary to keep in mind that this is the unbound of the base system and is only meant for use as a local caching forwarding resolver. If the objective is to set up a resolver for the entire network install dns/unbound."

If people could respond quickly, that would be helpful, as I am going to install soon.

Edit: After looking at Trihexagonal's how-to, I'm thinking of enabling ntpdate. So does enabling all services but local_unbound sound reasonable? It's just that ntpdate(8) says the functionality of ntpdate is now provided by ntpd.


  • bsdinstall-config-services.png
    8 KB · Views: 110
I've done a lot of 13.0-RELEASE installs this year, and have always just accepted all the default settings, with the possible exception of sshd which I always enable-- I can't recall if it is enabled by default or not, but, since I use it, I just make sure it is always enabled.

Ntpd can be enabled after the install, by running # sysrc ntpd_enable="YES" -- then, you can start it by running # service ntpd start or by simply rebooting.
Golden rule: Install only what you need.
If I was installing it would be ntp, ntpdate and powerd. That is all you need to get date synchronisation and power management (and they're not mandatory either).

Edit: Oh, and as Vull says, you can always "install"/activate them later when you need them.
There is nothing in the installer that cannot be done later. That ranges from disks to activated services.
Have you tried date command? use this format to change your date and time:
date yymmddHHMM
date year-month-day-hour-minute
for example for me: date 2112101145
you can change timezone with this command:
I reinstalled FreeBSD today and will probably reinstall it again because of an issue I'm having with Xorg (see my latest thread here).

With the new install of FreeBSD (with every service except local_unbound enabled), I've noticed:
  • service ntpd status still returns "ntpd is not running."
  • I still get things that look like errors at the command prompt and login prompt occasionally. At the login prompt, the errors seem related to ntpd and wpa_supplicant again.
  • I am able to use whois to look up whois information for domains. I previously got the following error: "whois: whois.iana.org: Name does not resolve: Bad file descriptor."
Because I am able to use whois now, I'd like to reinstall soon the same way with every service but local_unbound enabled. I just hope this isn't what's preventing Xorg/KDE from loading.

Have you tried date command? use this format to change your date and time:
date yymmddHHMM
date year-month-day-hour-minute
for example for me: date 2112101145
you can change timezone with this command:
The clock is set now. The issue is just with ntpd automatically setting the clock and causing error messages at the login prompt.
Last edited:
This is how I install it and never have a problem with networking:

Now choose Yes when asked if you'd like to configure IPv4.

Choose Yes to configure DHCP. It will scan and pick up your router interface, go with it.

If you want to configure IPv6 at the next screen or not it's up to you.

Now set your timezone, choose No when it asks you if you use UTC, and proceed to the next screen to choose the proper time zone for you.

At the system Configuration screen choose to enable ntpdate, ntpd, and powerd. If you want to enable SSH choose SSHD too.
This the first time I've configured IPv6 but it's being blocked at the firewall and still resolves to DCHP IPv4, till I get around to setting up wi-fi and Bluetooth.

Relevant parts of my /etc/rc.conf:

ifconfig_em0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"

I use the pf firewall ruleset I've shown in the comments. and all my Services work as intended.