ZFS zfs send -R

Assuming I have the following zfs file systems on a zpool

NAME                                    USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
zroot                                   3.41T   102G    88K  /zroot
zroot/data                              3.32T   102G    96K  /zroot/data
zroot/data/backups                      1.14T   102G    88K  /zroot/data/backups
zroot/data/backups/server01             18.8G   102G  18.8G  /zroot/data/backups/server01
zroot/data/backups/user1                200K   102G    88K  /zroot/data/backups/user1
zroot/data/backups/user1/workstation    112K   102G   112K  /zroot/data/backups/user1/workstation
zroot/data/backups/server02             1.12T   102G   847G  /zroot/data/backups/server01

If I create a snapshot at the root of the file systems as follows

zfs snapshot zroot@backup01

Then execute the following command

zfs send -R zroot@backup01 > /tmp/backup01

Will the /tmp/backup01 contain all the files systems?

When receiving the /tmp/backup01 file into another pool do I need to create all the file systems first or will the receive process do that for me?
-R, --replicate
Generate a replication stream package, which will replicate the
specified file system, and all descendent file systems, up to the
named snapshot.
No you don't need to create a receiving dataset before.
PS : when you do zfs receive give parameter -v , so you can see what happens.
-R, --replicate
Generate a replication stream package, which will replicate the
specified file system, and all descendent file systems, up to the
named snapshot.
Yes, everything is replicated.
No you don't need to create a receiving dataset before.
PS : when you do zfs receive give parameter -v , so you can see what happens.
What happens if the receiving end has the file systems but no files in them?
If I create a snapshot at the root of the file systems as follows

zfs snapshot zroot@backup01

Then execute the following command

zfs send -R zroot@backup01 > /tmp/backup01

Will the /tmp/backup01 contain all the files systems?

You need to use zfs snapshot -r zroot@backup01. The -r tells zfs-snapshot(8) to take a snapshot of each filesystem (snapshots are a per-filesystem, not per-pool item), not just the top level one.

The zfs-send(8) with -R will fail without that step, complaining about missing @backup01 snapshots of the descendant file systems. (So at least you won't think you backed everything up when in reality you had not.)

If (for example) there is more than one boot environment, and if replication is not used, then the resulting dates of creation may be incorrect.

For example, from <https://pastebin.com/iKbjmYez> (2021-11-07):

% bectl list -c creation
BE                             Active Mountpoint Space Created
default                        -      -          789M  2021-08-26 16:33
n247565-b49ba74deeb-f          -      -          36.7G 2021-08-26 19:50
n248269-941650aae97-e          -      -          40.5M 2021-08-26 22:54
n247798-f39dd6a9784-a          -      -          22.9M 2021-08-26 22:54
n248269-941650aae97-b          -      -          672M  2021-08-26 22:54
n248269-941650aae97-f          -      -          5.03G 2021-08-26 22:54
n247798-f39dd6a9784-e          -      -          328M  2021-08-26 22:55
n248269-941650aae97-d          -      -          260M  2021-08-26 22:55
n247798-f39dd6a9784-j          -      -          5.46G 2021-08-26 22:55
14.0-CURRENT_2021-09-18_113006 -      -          10.2G 2021-09-18 11:30
n250242-eab5358b908-d          -      -          1.80G 2021-10-29 05:42
n250242-eab5358b908-e          -      -          258M  2021-11-01 06:23
n250242-eab5358b908-f          -      -          26.8M 2021-11-06 13:32
n250511-5f73b3338ee-a          -      -          18.6M 2021-11-06 23:03
n250511-5f73b3338ee-b          NR     /          71.1G 2021-11-07 00:56

– chronological order requested, however it's disorderly and misleading due to non-preservation of properties:
  • note the six-digit number that follows each n
  • the b49ba74deeb environment that was reportedly created 2021-08-26 was truly created two months earlier … and so on.
Luckily, most of my environments were named in a way that suits sort(8). The first few lines from <https://pastebin.com/vHdsXUfn>:

% bectl list | sort
14.0-CURRENT_2021-09-18_113006 -      -          10.2G 2021-09-18 11:30
BE                             Active Mountpoint Space Created
default                        -      -          789M  2021-08-26 16:33
n247565-b49ba74deeb-f          -      -          36.7G 2021-08-26 19:50
n247798-f39dd6a9784-a          -      -          22.9M 2021-08-26 22:54
n247798-f39dd6a9784-e          -      -          328M  2021-08-26 22:55
n247798-f39dd6a9784-j          -      -          5.46G 2021-08-26 22:55
n248269-941650aae97-b          -      -          672M  2021-08-26 22:54
n248269-941650aae97-d          -      -          260M  2021-08-26 22:55
n248269-941650aae97-e          -      -          40.5M 2021-08-26 22:54
n248269-941650aae97-f          -      -          5.03G 2021-08-26 22:54
n250242-eab5358b908-d          -      -          1.80G 2021-10-29 05:42
n250242-eab5358b908-e          -      -          258M  2021-11-01 06:23
n250242-eab5358b908-f          -      -          26.8M 2021-11-06 13:32
n250511-5f73b3338ee-a          -      -          18.6M 2021-11-06 23:03
n250511-5f73b3338ee-b          NR     /          71.1G 2021-11-07 00:56
% bectl list -s


You need to use zfs snapshot -r zroot@backup01. …

Will that command preserve dates of creation for boot environment purposes?
I created the snapshot as follows:
root@:~ # zfs snapshot -r nsgroot/nsg@backup01
root@:~ # zfs list -t all
NAME                                                                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
nsgroot                                                                 90.1G   584G    88K  /nsgroot
nsgroot/ROOT                                                            10.4G   584G    88K  none
nsgroot/ROOT/default                                                    10.4G   584G  10.4G  /
nsgroot/nsg                                                             62.8G   584G    88K  /nsg
nsgroot/nsg@backup01                                                        0      -    88K  -
nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent                                         17.5G   584G    88K  /nsg/services_persistent
nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent@backup01                                    0      -    88K  -
---MANY MORE FILESYSYSTEMS AS CHILDREN OF nsgroot/nsg and  nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent

Then sent using the following command:
zfs send -R nsgroot/nsg@backup01' > nsg.zfs.snapshot

On another system I started with the following zfs pool:
root@:/backups # zfs list
nsgroot               27.3G   465G    88K  /nsgroot
nsgroot/ROOT          10.4G   465G    88K  none
nsgroot/ROOT/default  10.4G   465G  10.4G  /
nsgroot/tmp             88K   465G    88K  /tmp
nsgroot/usr            702M   465G    88K  /usr
nsgroot/usr/home        88K   465G    88K  /usr/home
nsgroot/usr/ports      701M   465G   701M  /usr/ports
nsgroot/usr/src         88K   465G    88K  /usr/src
nsgroot/var           16.2G   465G    88K  /var
nsgroot/var/audit       88K   465G    88K  /var/audit
nsgroot/var/crash       88K   465G    88K  /var/crash
nsgroot/var/log       16.2G   465G  16.2G  /var/log
nsgroot/var/mail        96K   465G    96K  /var/mail
nsgroot/var/tmp         88K   465G    88K  /var/tmp

I then tried the following command zfs receive command which gives the following result:

zfs receive -vn nsgroot < /backups/temp/nsg.zfs.snapshot     
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'nsgroot' exists
must specify -F to overwrite it

So I added the -F flag which gives the following result:

zfs receive -vnF nsgroot < /backups/temp/nsg.zfs.snapshot
would receive full stream of nsgroot/nsg@backup01 into nsgroot@backup01
would receive full stream of nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent@backup01 into nsgroot/services_persistent@backup01
cannot open 'nsgroot/services_persistent': dataset does not exist
cannot receive new filesystem stream: unable to restore to destination

Not sure where to go from here..
I created all the filesystems and executed the following command which seemed to work:

root@:/backups # zfs receive -vnFe nsgroot < /backups/temp/nsg.zfs.snapshot
would receive full stream of nsgroot/nsg@backup01 into nsgroot/nsg@backup01
would receive full stream of nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent@backup01 into nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent@backup01
---lots more output about other files systems---

Then I tried the command without the -n flag:

root@:/backups # zfs receive -vFe nsgroot < /backups/temp/nsg.zfs.snapshot
receiving full stream of nsgroot/nsg@backup01 into nsgroot/nsg@backup01
received 52.9KB stream in 1 seconds (52.9KB/sec)
receiving full stream of nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent@backup01 into nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent@backup01
received 52.9KB stream in 1 seconds (52.9KB/sec)
---lots of lines of output---
cannot mount 'nsgroot/nsg': mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'nsgroot/nsg/services_persistent': mountpoint or dataset is busy

I couldn't see the data until I rebooted.
I don't entirely understand that last chunk, but did part of the routine make the relevant part of the received @backup01 your boot environment, and so on?