Hey guys,
I probably added something wrong to the rc.conf then rebooted and my server is crashed. I don't have a access to remote console KVM. Im trying to mount ZFS pool but i can see only jails, why ?
I used
Jails looks fine
How can i see my zroot/ ? I need to make changes into rc.conf and run server again.
Someone can help ?
I probably added something wrong to the rc.conf then rebooted and my server is crashed. I don't have a access to remote console KVM. Im trying to mount ZFS pool but i can see only jails, why ?
root@rescue-bsd:~ # zpool import
pool: zroot
id: 15378799241679538001
state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.
zroot ONLINE
mirror-0 ONLINE
ada0p4 ONLINE
ada1p4 ONLINE
zpool import -R /mnt zroot
root@rescue-bsd:/ # cd mnt/
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt # ls
.snap jails zroot
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt # ls zroot/
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt #
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt # cd jails/
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt/jails # ls
DNS Jenkins Proton SQL
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt/jails # ls DNS/
.cshrc bin etc media proc sbin usr
.profile boot lib mnt rescue sys var
COPYRIGHT dev libexec net root tmp
root@rescue-bsd:/mnt/jails #
How can i see my zroot/ ? I need to make changes into rc.conf and run server again.
Someone can help ?