xrdp sound redirection to Raspberry Pi 3

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 under Raspberry OS with an audio DAC that goes to a stereo set.

How can I redirect the sound output of a FreeBSD machine to this Pi3 when I am logged in to FreeBSD with xrdp? Especially Firefox's?

The Pi is running mpd with audio_output "alsa".
Thanks for your good question, weberjn. It would help me understand your word picture with a PNG diagram picture, like what 'DIA' diagram editor creates. This picture would show the logged into FreeBSD x86-64 machine with xrdp and the relationship to the Pi3, 'under RaspberryPiOS running xrdp connected to the x86-64 FreeBSD Machine. This is where I get confused.
I picture it like this:
| FreeBSD machine --| network |-- Raspberry Pi (with DAC) | === | speakers |
the idea being that the FreeBSD machine sends its sound output over the network to the Raspberry Pi, which handles things from there.
How to achieve this I have no idea.

Well, it looks like PulseAudio have networking: How to set up PulseAudio over Network, the Pi is probably running PipeWire instead of PulseAudio. So this might be required: MPD and Pipewire [SOLVED].