Solved [xorg] black band at the bottom of screen

hi I have an old Toshiba laptop with a 2nd generation i5 chipset.
drm-legacy-kmod is installed besides of x86-video-intel.
my problem is that the display is shifted upward with a large black band at the bottom, the screen resolution is OK .
kinfocenter shows "VMware" as the graphic driver although i915.ko is loaded.
one last note is my system is GPT-bios since motherboard doesn't support uefi.
any help is welcome
Is this a display with 16:10 ratio? If you enable a 16:9 resolution (1920x1080 for example) you get a slightly smaller (height) screen.
no it's a 2011 Toshiba satellite, the display is 1084*735 (or something like that) but the display is truncated, I can't see the top 30% of the screen and at the bottom black fills the the same amount
thanks for your hints the problem was solved in 2 steps:
1- changed kern. vty to "VT" in /boot/loader. conf, this fixed the display and finally got hardware acceleration.

2- deleted ~. Xauthority because sddm and lightdm were stucked at login.

Basically step 01 solved my main problem because scfb won't work on a non uefi system.