Xinitrc file and Xterm Geometry Issues

I am facing an odd issue and I would like to get some feedback from others who might have faced the same issues, or that have found a solution.

On my .xinitrc file

Step 1:
I start Xrandr to a couple of screams and arrange their position for example:

xrandr --output DP-0 --fb 7680x1440 --output DVI-D-0 --right-of DVI-D-0 --fb 2560x1440 --auto --output DP-2 --right-of DVI-D-0 --fb 2560x1440 --auto --output DP-0 &

Step 2:
I start a couple of Xterm with Tmux and I add the --geometry | -g for example:

xterm -g 129x88+2523-37 -e tmux new-session -s Local_VM_Jails -n BASE_00 \; split-window -v \; new-window -n BASE_01 \; split-window -v &

The issue is that the xterms are not being positioned in the correct geometry specified; essentially they all load on top of each other in the left bottom corner. I cannot get the Xterm to launch in the xinitrc geometry...

Does anyone have a solution or face this issue?