Wireguard vpn slow speed

Finally fix all speed issues by adding this to /boot/loader.conf

Hi Void,

I used the same trick on my VPS300 instance @ Contabo in Germany... went from 1 Mbit/s download to somewhere between 50 and 70 with noticable CPU usage according to htop.
Would be interesting to know the reason behind this - my FreeBSD instance is also a KVM instance like described in this thread.
Can anybody confirm if this is only affecting KVM FreeBSD guests, or does this happen to Linux guests as well, if they have set or not set those things for their kernel.
Missing hardware acceleration for the network certainly aches, but at least I can use my server as a proper VPN now.

Additional note:
Can someone tell me if 50-70 Mbit/s is a reasonable speed (considering ping + general overhead) using WireGuard? I currently reside in the USA and the VPN server is located in Germany as said.
Server has 100 Mbit/s down and up, Client hast 100 Mbit/s down and ~10 up.
Bandwidth tests using iperf3 show that I can reach 100 Mbit/s download from the server to my client using UDP.

Kind regards and thanks again for this life saving hint ;)