Windows/Super key as prefix in tmux

OK. Assuming you only use this in X11.

You need to:
- find the keycode for the key with `xev`
- bind the keycode to some random normal key such as F12, e.g. `xmodmap -e 'keycode 108 = F12'`
- then you use F12 as the prefix key in tmux
I was looking to see if vt(4) said anything about what special characters it supports.
It did not say.
In essence doesn't that control what command line special characters are supported?

I do see this which surprised me:
Enable AltGr key (do not assume right Alt key as Alt)

I had no idea you could separate the function of the two alt keys.
Some of this is a rehash of @balangas emacs related post.

Real good answers to show alternative to showkeys.
I set mine to backtick (execute quote in shell script), with the inconvenience that if I want to type a backtick in a script I have to tap it twice. In .tmux.conf ...

unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix `
bind ` send-prefix
You have an F20 key?!!!
Of course, I don't have a physical key, but those keys (>F12) are defined in Xorg libs.
In my case I map CapsLock to be F20, and set F20 to switch my keyboard layout to US English from any of various layouts I use.