WiFi speed on Thinkpad

Hi, new to the forum.

Anyone working on advanced WiFi for FreeBSD? I know its more of a server OS but I love the stability and run it on a Thinkpad. Virtually everything (including KDE plasma) works like a charm, it can run Bhyve and watch videos from my Netflix subscription. (I run 3 different FreeBSD systems but the laptop is the one that uses wifi).

Just one thing, WiFi speed is hung up at 48Mb/s mode with ~25Mb/s real speed. while ethernet is easily hitting above 900Mb/s. would love to improve WiFi for coffee shop usage or quick file transfers for when its not hardwired. (I already tried moving the thinkpad close to the Access point and there is 0 improvement. iPhone hits about 600Mb/s on the same wifi and its a few years old)

Are there any tweaks to the driver to improve the speed or is modern WiFi not supported yet? Happy to do testing if anyone is working on WiFi support.

If this is already covered in another post I apologize, in searching I only found posts from several years ago on the topic.