Why FreeBSD Events are Important to Furthering the Development of FreeBSD

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Drew Gurkowski

BSDCan 2024 is taking place in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from May 28 to June 1. This is one of the three major BSD-related conferences held around the world. I’m excited about all of these conferences taking place in person again! These conferences provide significant value to FreeBSD by offering a venue for developers, users, advocates, and other contributors to work together, share ideas, and learn from each other. I’ve had the opportunity to attend many of these events, and the energy and passion that is shared is infectious! Everyone leaves feeling invigorated to work on projects they learned about or to move forward on an idea that was festering in their heads.

People of all ages and levels of experience come together at these conferences to share their knowledge and to support each other. It’s inspiring to see long-time contributors eagerly helping newer members and embracing fresh ideas. The exchange of perspectives between seasoned and young attendees creates an open and collaborative atmosphere that benefits everyone involved.

The Foundation has a small travel grant budget to assist FreeBSD contributors who need assistance with their travel expenses. For BSDCan, we approved 3 travel grant applicants, and are looking forward to reading their conference reports to learn how their attending the conference benefited FreeBSD. We believe that their participation in the conference will greatly benefit both them and the project, and we see these grants as important investments in FreeBSD.

Go here to learn more about upcoming conferences, and here to learn more about our travel grant program.

I hope to see you at a FreeBSD-related conference soon!

The post Why FreeBSD Events are Important to Furthering the Development of FreeBSD first appeared on FreeBSD Foundation.

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