Why do people paste images of textual code and data?

sidetone Your putty example of FreeBSD version is a good example of "why". Why does anybody have any need to paste that as a picture ? It's so easy just to grab that text and paste it. Creating picture is actually an extra effort.

In mc you can use shift+alt and grab whatever text you need to paste.

There are some situations where picture makes sense or is an easy way out of something that might be challenging for whoever is sending the request. But sometimes I just keep wondering why ..

But then, and it's very true even here on forums, people have hard time following the other people's reactions. So pasting pictures of a text is just cherry on top.
I see this so often here and elsewhere. [...]
Why [...]?

2/3: Just not knowing better. Yes, there's no other excuse for doing so when you have nice formatting features (even including some colorized syntax hilighting like here) at your hands...

1/3: Well, depending on that "elsewhere", if the channel you use doesn't have any nice way for formatted text inline, but HAS a way to just add a picture inline (looking at some "social networks" for example), and you want to avoid the discontinuity by e.g. linking to some "paste service", a picture might be the best option.
Because I am lazy.
I just assume you are talking about me.

Actually I lost screenshots when Mirage went bye bye.
But I used to do that.
On Stack Overflow, posting images of code, data, errors, etc. is not allowed and will get your question closed.

Posting code, at least, with an image means one can't help the person unless they feel like retyping on their machine in order to run their example.

A quick look at the (very few) places I visit, formatting is done well or good enough.

I just assume you are talking about me.

No. I saw a couple of questions here where someone did. It seems that it's more effort to create and edit an image instead of just copy/paste and didn't understand why anyone would do that.
No. I saw a couple of questions here where someone did. It seems that it's more effort to create and edit an image instead of just copy/paste and didn't understand why anyone would do that.
Screenshot utilities have been reworked so that a simple screengrab takes less than 10 seconds to grab some pixels, Ctrl-C (in the screenshot program), Alt-Tab to the chat window (even these Forums support it!), Ctrl-V, Enter, done!

I do remember a time when screengrabs were in fact a time-consuming affair, when email/chat clients and forums did not properly support simple copy-paste of images and files. And people didn't know how to do a screengrab.

KDE offers a VERY nice screengrab utility (graphics/spectacle). Win7/10/11 also offers an easy way to take screenshots, and even doodle on them with your mouse, if you like.

I do know about the PrintSc key, I have used it, but things have actually become MUCH easier since winXP...
Left click mouse. Scroll. Done. Beats them all.
oh? I can use that on a URL in the address bar of a browser, but not in the title bar of the browser's window...

This took me less than a minute to make.

There's still plenty of places where copying of text with a mouse just isn't supported - and reworking THAT would take months of developer effort, and who knows when those efforts will reach FreeBSD.
KDE offers a VERY nice screengrab utility (graphics/spectacle). Win7/10/11 also offers an easy way to take screenshots, and even doodle on them with your mouse, if you like.
I have in a twm Menu:

"snap.jpg" f.exec "xwd | xwdtopnm | pnmtojpeg > ~/snap.jpg &"
But this take a snapshoot of a whole window or of root.

To get a part I would need to edit the image with something like ImageMagick. A little work ...
To take a full screenshot, or a screenshot of a window, ImageMagick can be used:

import ~/screenshot.jpg, then, depending on whether you want the full screenshot or a window only, click on the window or the background. I found this from sorting through one of vermaden 's blogs, either directly or through a link (can't find it anymore). It can also be made to get the full screen without clicking: import -window root ~/screenshot.jpg. https://debdeepbh.github.io/blog/2019-02-05-screenshot.html is also useful for taking screenshots with the import command.

As for text, I wish someone would make it clear of which program allows copying and pasting with the mouse on the terminal/terminal emulator. When my window manager and other programs are installed, it comes automatically. Best practices would also be good, for where specific logs are, and exceptions of a kernel panic or an unbootable system, then getting that in text if possible. While, we're good at a lot of this, some of us are lacking in some areas, but not where it's very noticeable to the forums, because we have done our best.
To take a full screenshot, or a screenshot of a window, ImageMagick can be used:
Good to know, but my way leads to the same result.

What I would like to have is the possibility to select a region of the window / root without having to
call an image editor afterwards.
Click on the window to take a shot of that window only. The editing program, is used for the screenshot, and could optionally be used for editing.

If you meant within a window or parts of a few windows or parts of the desktop, then, I just found out, import of ImageMagick can do that too. Select the parts of the window or desktop, by typing the command, then, clicking and dragging the +, and it takes a shot of that selection.
f you meant within a window or parts of a few windows or parts of the desktop, then, I just found out, import of ImageMagick can do that too.

Thanks a lot. I just found some utilities that do it, also "scrot" in packages, but since I always have ImageMagick
installed, "import" is better.

BTW, I began a while ago to use GraphicsMagick instead of ImageMagick due to the Tcl API. GraphicsMagick
also have import command. What do you preffer, Image or Graphics Magick?

Now I have in .twmrc

"gm import snap.jpg" f.exec "gm import snap.jpg &"

Of interest, some may wish to look at xwd and viewer xwud on their system.

That is what I use above. But then you need to change the format. And how to select a region?
Early boot doesn't have logs and few people have serial consoles.
I see some text before the beastie boot prompt. It's there just split second. I even tried filming it, but it's didn't pick up (yet).

How would I grab that properly?
I see some text before the beastie boot prompt. It's there just split second. I even tried filming it, but it's didn't pick up (yet).

How would I grab that properly?
Assuming you have access to the filesystem, you can set
in /boot/loader.conf to extend the bootloader's autoboot delay to 12 seconds instead of 0.
that interrupts (wiping the console). How can I read what's flying through uninterrupted, however?
That's BIOS starting up, not FreeBSD.

One good way to capture that is to start recording on the cam first, and THEN turn on the computer...

Or, better yet, figure out the model of your motherboard, and ask Google how to capture the startup output between POST and boot menu. There should be some kind of advice on the Internet about mobo troubleshooting for your specific model.