Why did we build our solution on top of FreeBSD?

A more accurate title would be Why we built our solution on top of FreeBSD

It's an article describing why they chose FreeBSD over CentOS for their VoIP appliance.

Guess English is a second or third language for the article writer due to the grammar and spelling.

A decent article overall, and an interesting look into the thought process that goes into choosing an OS for a new project.
A more accurate title would be Why we built our solution on top of FreeBSD

It's an article describing why they chose FreeBSD over CentOS for their VoIP appliance.

Guess English is a second or third language for the article writer due to the grammar and spelling.

A decent article overall, and an interesting look into the thought process that goes into choosing an OS for a new project.

Still not sure what his app does and where the value is?
Thanks to the glorious SystemD that kind of mind opening should happen more and more often. :)


Apparently they sell some kind of conference call (with some analytics capabilities) for enterprises.
Still not sure what his app does and where the value is?

It's an analytics/stats/reporting tool for VoIP systems. Every call through a VoIP server generates a CDR entry with a tonne of information about the call. But not all VoIP setups include fancy, detailed reporting. From the sounds of things, this fills the gap for those systems.