Which Hard-disks SSD's NVME's to avoid.

I don't know how up to date this is:

All I know is that the one I have (Kinston A400) is considered entry-level and that there are a few listed as "garbage".
All I know is that the one I have (Kinston A400) is considered entry-level and that there are a few listed as "garbage".
Ahh, that table. Was the most substantial I could find ,too.
And, they appear to have their own definition of "garbage". It seems to mean: drives with LED illumination which get into overtemp due to the heat of the illumination. (I might agree to that definition, but I've never seen -and never want to see- such a drive. Soon there are christmas trees for such.)

My advice is: avoid everything that is not a well-known brand with some reputation. I don't think it matters if that company builds the cells themselves or just assembles - if that is a serious company, they have a procurement division that may know what they do. But there are devices offered where you don't even know who that is, and I would avoid these.

Yes, the A400 is - cheap. Buy it only when you get it cheap. ;)
Wait, I wrote some article...
If you want, publish your data for the 9, 231 and 241 lines.