Solved Where is dig?

Hi all,

I recently reinstalled FreeBSD on a box serving as fileserver/WAP/ADSL gateway. Everything is now up to date:
$ uname -r
But where is dig?
$ whereis dig
I really can't find it anywhere:
$ locate dig | grep bin | grep dig\$
According to to this wiki page, it is now part of BIND and therefore part of the base system, so it should have been on my new system from the start.

Perhaps I should mention that I set up this system only using packages (so far so good!), but that shouldn't have any thing to do with this, right?

Any ideas?

According to to this wiki page, it is now part of bind and therefore part of the base system, so it should have been on my new system from the start.
That’s from 2007! You should consult more recent and official pages, for example the Release Notes for FreeBSD-10.0:
BIND has been removed from the base system. unbound(8), which is maintained by NLnet Labs, has been imported to support local DNS resolution functionality with DNSSEC. Note that it is not a replacement of BIND and the latest versions of BIND is still available in the Ports Collection. With this change, nslookup and dig are no longer a part of the base system. Users should instead use host(1) and drill(1) Alternatively, nslookup and dig can be obtained by installing dns/bind-tools port. [r255949]