where do you post 7.1 Rc.1 issues?

My install of 7.1 rc1 was uneventful. core2duo, asus p5e mb, nvidia 8600gt video, 2 gig kinston memory. the only issue i ran into was when the packages were installed. emacs-22.2_1 did not install. I have received a message: "add package aborted error code 1". please pass this on to the dev team and or provide me with a location to post errors. thanks.
Sorry, probably what I've suggested can be applied to ports, which I'm used to.

Did you tried installing it from the net using pkg_add -r ...?
ale said:
Sorry, probably what I've suggested can be applied to ports, which I'm used to.

Did you tried installing it from the net using pkg_add -r ...?

No did not try pkg_add... yet. Am still playing with configuring FireFox and trying to add plugins such as flash... (see my post in multimedia folder).

Have received an error today while booting up: Fatal trap 12. It also displayed a message something like: Fatal error while in supervisory mode. Computer rebooted after about 5 seconds, so could not copy more info down. PC booted up fine the second time.