Solved Where can I find documentation for video capture APIs?

I'd like to port some surveillance camera recording software I wrote for Linux to FreeBSD. The cards I have seem to be supported by the bktr(4) driver, but I can't find any documentation about the video capture API and so I am unable to proceed further than simply loading the driver.

All that I've been able to determine is that there are two available APIs.

The first is the bktr(4) driver itself. I've read a few times that it is documented on its man page, but it is not, the man page is nothing but a "here's how to load the driver" summary. I've also searched the internet for documentation of its API, but I've come up with nothing.

The other is a project to bring the video4linux API to FreeBSD. Since my program is already written for video4linux, I attempted to compile it, but the necessary header files don't exist. So I did some pkg search video and the like, but found nothing to install. So I looked at the web site for the project, but it has no instructions or downloads, and the mailing list has 5 messages over 8 years, so I can only guess that the project never got off the ground.

Any help would be appreciated.
The first is the bktr driver itself. I've read a few times that it is documented on its man page, but it is not, the man page is nothing but a "here's how to load the driver" summary. I've also searched the internet for documentation of its API, but I've come up with nothing.
You haven't looked closely enough at the man page's see also section :-) Have a look at meteor(4).

The other is a project to bring the video4linux API to FreeBSD. Since my program is already written for video4linux, I attempted to compile it, but the necessary header files don't exist. So I did some "pkg search video" and the like, but found nothing to install. So I looked at the web site for the project, but it has no instructions or downloads, and the mailing list has 5 messages over 8 years, so I can only guess that the project never got off the ground.

From what I could gather bktr(4) only supports the meteor(4) interface and cannot be used with video4linux.
You haven't looked closely enough at the man page's see also section :) Have a look at meteor(4).

Is that actually it? That was one of the first things I found, but it claims to be an interface that existed in the past and which no longer works, so I immediately went looking for something else. Wasn't clear to me why it was even in the "see also" other than to say "here's another driver you might want to look at."


From what I could gather bktr(4) only supports the meteor(4) interface and cannot be used with video4linux.

I hadn't managed to find that page yet. Google just kept leading me to which seems to have been abandoned.

Thanks for your help.