Much of it is marketing.
I know someone who sells support packages/services for a living. He knows all of the names of the products, their capabilities, etc, but nothing of the underlying tech. He doesn't need to - and for the most part, neither do his customers.
Since they stopped selling CPUs as $VENDOR $MODEL $FREQ, this has been the case.
Introduction of new ideas, not necessarily better ideas, with the main motives being profit and marketshare for those doing the pushing, now often involves discrediting that which it sets out to replace. So, for example, if I'm a "big tech" consortium pushing memory safe languages, I'm going to attack C and developers who code in C.
I have already set out my stall, so to descredit C, I'm going to focus on it's supposed security problems. Useful idiots, with enough motivation, will do a lot of the legwork. This includes legions of developers, "experts", bloggers, etc.
The result is: more to learn, because employer wants to know if you have a knowledge of XYZ, even if they don't know what XYZ is.