What's the way to develop a software for FreeBSD for non-developer?

Howdy! I have a question from a Product Manager perspective, rather than from a developer point of view.

Let's say I have an idea for a FreeBSD software that I would like to produce, but I don't have the skills to code it myself (and it might take years to learn, until I can reach the level that needed for such software to code).

So what's the best way could be to attract other developers to participate in the project? How it usually works in open source community?

So far what I hear is that FreeBSD and ports has thousands of people who writing the code, but how to organize that work, if you're not a developer, but want to participate?


P.S. Please, let's not discuss that coding is simple. I'm asking from PM side of FreeBSD software development.
You could post a link to the project/idea in the Porting New Software section, and hope that someone is interested.
Even as a non developer, you could create a repository on Github to have a starting point.
You can hire developers. A large fraction of Linux software today is written by people who get paid for it. In FreeBSD, the fraction is much smaller, with much more volunteer contribution, but the paid part exists too.
… the Porting New Software section …

The sub-forum description: "Having trouble or general questions about porting software to FreeBSD? Ask here." .

The name of the sub-forum may be misleading, i.e.:
  • it's more about ports of existing software
  • less about new software.

… How to involve actual developers into the project? How to find them? I'm new to the open source world.

Reading this alongside your <https://forums.freebsd.org/posts/652544>

You could speed through the WantedPorts page in the wiki, the Porting status column in particular, to get an idea of what interests porters (and potential porters). Porters are not necessarily developers of new software, still, it might help you to get a sense of the landscape.

I'll send a private message with more specific suggestions.
First question that comes to mind: if a software to be written, then why specifically for FreeBSD? Usually you define the use-case and requirements first, and only then evaluate suitable platforms.

There are a couple of possible answers to the question, e.g.
- it builds upon components that are prevalent in FreeBSD (e.g. ZFS, netgraph, ...)
- it is targeted for a user group that mainly uses FreeBSD
- ,,,?