vbox What is your experience with TrueNAS in VirtualBox?

I would use the following hardware to build a NAS: https://i.ibb.co/KDcrjGc/pekwm-screenshot-20221212-T130830-1920x1080.png

The case has connections for analog audio.

I wouldn't be able to use the analog audio if I put a pure NAS operating system on it. That's why I would put FreeBSD on it and then virtualize TrueNAS. I've already done this experiment on my desktop and it seems to work perfectly.

But I haven't used it long enough to know if the stability and performance are consistently good. Are there people who have already virtualized TrueNAS via VirtualBox or via bhyve? What are your findings regarding performance and overall stability?
I only ever virtualized FreeNAS on VMware ESXi or TrueNAS Core on Proxmox VE, both worked fine but were a little complicated to set up (PCIe passthrough of the SAS HBA e.g.).

Btw - I would strongly recommend getting a used Intel 320 Series 80GB/160GB or Intel DC S3500 / Intel DC S3700 SSD on eBay, these Patriot Burst SSDs don't live long (one of them already died on me).

Just out of curiosity, what would you use the audio ports on a NAS for?