What do you use for building your ports?

what do you use for building from ports?

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It is fine for more or less static pkglist, but if you like to test stuff and will have that list changing often it is a bit boring.
I have various lists because I have things split up into a 'desktop' and a 'server' environment. So I need different packages for each. But that list I created a long time ago and I only need to add/remove things occasionally. It's not like you have to generate that list every time you do a run.

It is fine for more or less static pkglist, but if you like to test stuff and will have that list changing often it is a bit boring.
You can use testport for one-off builds.
The author of synth insisted that portmaster may lead to incorrect builds.
May be he used to use it wrong? :D
Because personally I, never had any problems with portmaster.
All of my builds were "correct" :)
poudriere and make.

For me, making is quite rare. Usually performed at paths such as:


– because it's the easiest/likeliest way for me to get an installation of VirtualBox that works with my outdated FreeBSD-CURRENT. Probably not a recommended approach, but it works for me.
Usually I have to stick with packages since I can't afford to spend much time on building/rebuilding from ports. But I do it occasionally, e.g. with multimedia/ffmpeg so to enable PulseAudio and xcbgrab.

I use ports-mgmt/portmaster with the -i option, thus avoiding the rebuild of dependencies due to version mismatch. Of course, it's not a good solution since versions are part of dependencies as a requirement, but any trouble originated from this would affect only the application built. It's a trade-off between said risk and the time spent with massive rebuilding.

I used make in the beginning, but then one day while building www/firefox I noticed it rebuilding some ports I already know that take long for build. Especially LLVM and a Ruby-something I don't remember what (I'm not a big fan of Ruby myself). That's when I started using # portmaster -i.

I've read in ports(7) about running make with the NO_DEPENDS variable set. As far as I understand, it should do the same except for skipping all depends instead of asking. Also, have yet to try this since I only learned about it recently.

I've read in another threads about ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth with a local repository. I'm still learning as a newbie but kept it on mind for future reference.