Well I said that sarcastically/rhetorically, because if Winderps was so terrible... Microsoft just wouldn't be able to cope with it. They'd need hundreds of thousands of people to handle very basic end-user contact, essentially just acknowledging people's attempts at getting their attention.
And also billions of users who simply get work done, with little hassle.
Well you guys got me a bit wrong here, because I wasn't saying Microsoft and/or Windows is terrible... In fact, I think they're both awesome. The sheer amount of people using it, the variety of hardware, and the fact that it all mostly works out of the box for several years, unless you install dodgy software on it, or disable security features, or dig too far... It all works great, I think Windows is awesome.
I don't even think FreeBSD installs with 100% capabilities on 10% of systems people try to install it on... Not saying it's bad, but it's a bit comparing apples and bananas, y'know?
I used to keep Windows around for work, because I needed to use Citrix Receiver at times (IT subcontractor recommended that, I have no clue why), but now I just keep it because it looks clean and awesome in my environment... I spend a lot of my time playing with my xbone, and watching TV, and with Windows 10, I can open a remote xbox connection, and play games on my xbox from my computer, all the video processing is done remotely, and I just get an A/V stream, and send commands to it... If I open a remote desktop connection to my computer with my Windows phone, I can even play Xbox from my cell phone through two remote connections! : D
I don't "use" Windows mainly because of doctrine... I like the idea of a modular kernel, I like the idea that it's free, and that people, including myself, can contribute to it freely, and I like the fact that it's so raw, and close to the electronics it works on, and for... and I also don't "use" Windows because I don't understand it as well... It seems stupid, but I just don't... It's easier for me to write configuration files than it is to put checkmarks in checkboxes... Everything is also free, things are generally safe to play with, there's no ads, things are non-invasive, and in many ways it feels better, but it's got to the point where Windows also feels very good, but both are very different...
I might be able to play games on Windows, but I can't play
with Windows... I can play with FreeBSD, and in return, I get a DNS server that reduces my latency in video games (I like to sit on a couch to play video games, rly...), I get a mail server, I get a VPN server for my cell phone, I get a whole bunch of things I can't really get with Windows...
I use GIMP and Inkscape on Windows, though... VLC, but to interface (read: interact) with most people, and be able to relate to them, I like to use Windows... Even if MacOS wasn't, in my opinion, somewhat immorally or unethically "stolen" from FreeBSD, I wouldn't like to use it because I don't like people who use (read: pray to) Apple devices. It's just easier to say "Hey, I found this trick and such on the computer" and interest, and keep my friends when I talk about Windows than when I talk about FreeBSD... If I talk about FreeBSD, I usually only end-up interesting fat communist wizards, or I end-up getting tossed in the same bin as them, and I just can't let that happen... I don't like fat people, nor communists, nor wizards, (though I am an independent anarchist)... srsly...
Anyway, I just admire Windows, honestly... The complexity of it is just phenomenal... Social, economical, geopolitical, military, temporary, the business relationships, the vision, perspectives, the possibilities, ... it's just all very impressive, and the result isn't so bad... If I run exclusively Microsoft applications, I have no problems, so I think most of the problems people have with Windows isn't with Windows... it's with the software they try to run on it, and it's not for the OS developer to write its OS to run particular software, it's to software developers to write software to run properly on an operating system.
Maybe people just have too much expectations towards Microsoft and towards Windows, and forget that, in the end, it's a fairly young enterprise, and they're just human like the rest of us... they're not gods, Microsoft isn't a god, no matter how many people consider Billy to be the prince of darkness...
Even if you compare Microsoft to Google... People might be happy at their novel devices
working at all, and meanwhile, developers are struggling to have their apps with advertisement, microtransactions and "coin sinks" work on >specific hardware<... they have to test on virtually all the current cell phone models out there because ... because mystery. And Microsoft also caught-up to Google after they released online office productivity applications, just like IBM caught-up to Apple when they released the Yoga... I even use Bing today... I just couldn't keep encouraging software made by people who, at the office, chain their dogs to oversized kindergarten furniture. Bing shows me an awesome picture every day, Google just shows me its shitty logo... It tries to pass off as a glorious enterprise, but in the end, it buys a lot of companies, and closes a lot of the after extracting the technology from their employees. They probably even purposely engineer their image to inspire trust in future buyouts to minimize sabotage, and destruction of (intellectual) property, and purposeful plausible denial of knowledge.
Microsoft is a home-grown American enterprise, and they're a lot more glorious to me than Google is now... When I was a kid I used to love Google, I even wanted to have Google bedsheets (they make them), but now I keep my Xbox on so the Kinect can watch over me when I sleep...
I don't know... I just feel that saying that you don't use Windows because you can find it on devices sold at Walmart is kinda stupid, because that just shows how robust it is... I think it's admirable that it can run so easily on such a variety of hardware, and be used by such a large spectrum of people without real problems until some third party software comes screw everything up...
FreeBSD has difficulty keeping up... a few years ago, IX Systems had to hire someone full time to work on new display drivers for FreeBSD... I don't think that snobbing Windows users is going to help FreeBSD prevail, if you love it so much...
On a different note, I don't know if you guys know, but Microsoft is easing-up on UNIX... It's staying Microsoft, as is obviously shown by their development of PowerShell, but they're opening-up, and there's even a Win32 release of SSH developed by Microsoft themselves.
After running temporarily deactivating a security feature, and running the installation script, it installs two services, the SSH agent and the SSH daemon, along the binaries like ssh, sshd, sftp, scp, etc. I just put the binaries in C:\Windows\ssh and added that folder to my PATH environment variable, and I use SSH from PowerShell... : )