bhyve Welcome bhyve-qt (alpha 0.3): first look

First look at the working MVP of 'bhyve-qt' (QT6-based frontend for bhyve (and jails ;-)):

alpha 0.3 build available for FreeBSD 14.0:
alpha 0.3 build available for Debian 12:
alpha 0.2 build available for Android (arm64):

( you need this packages to run bhyve-qt binaries:

ffmpeg flac gstreamer1 jpeg-turbo libX11 libXau libXdmcp libffi qt6-5compat qt6-base qt6-declarative qt6-multimedia zstd libssh2 libvncserver freerdp )

Key Features:

- Create/Stop/Start/Destroy operations;
- Сan currently be run (already tested with): FreeBSD 14.0, Linux Manjaro, Linux Debian 12, Android;
- QT6;
- same interface for desktop/mobile;
- support for VNC (mostly for ISO) and RDP ( CBSD cloud images: windows, ubuntu_vdi, kali, ghostbsd and so on.. );
- full-screen RDP ('F11' hot key) with sound/shared clipboard;
- several API methods: RestAPI ( works out of the box with MyBee and/or CBSD API ), command line (local), ssh (remote host with CBSD);
- support for multiple servers (API) simultaneously;


- ClonOS and XigmaNAS integration ( CBSD module already exist );
- Builds for Windows, IOS;

PS: This work is sponsored by the CBSD project.
PPS: After testing and final refactoring, the source codes will be published to GitHub and the app will be added to the FreeBSD ports tree.

Testing, feedback and comments are welcome :beer:
will there be a port for that soon? or at least a public repo so one can build it from source?
anything 'qt' can be quite the dependency hell, so I usually like to strip down the 'features' of various qt components that would drag in huge and unwanted stuff like samba, akonadi/avahi, dbus, pulseaudio...
will there be a port for that soon? or at least a public repo so one can build it from source?

in first post:

> PPS: After testing and final refactoring, the source codes will be published to GitHub and the app will be added to the FreeBSD ports tree.

anything 'qt' can be quite the dependency hell, so I usually like to strip down the 'features' of various qt components that would drag in huge and unwanted stuff like samba, akonadi/avahi, dbus, pulseaudio...

I see no reason to write my own implementation of RDP, SSH, VNC and graphics libraries. I'm interested in a mobile app for bhyve/jail because I use them a lot. The desktop version is a side effect. The first version was based on go ( -
). The second version was based on (
). Finally, the third (current) option turned out to be the best for solving my problems ;-). At the moment there are many options for developers and that's good.

Also, if you don't like graphics/QT, there is a GO-based thin client for the MyBee/CBSD API: (binaries available for FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS and Windows). Work is underway to support terraforms.