Weird Battery problem - won't charge beyond 53% - how to fix it?

This is a red herring, though your earlier advice to disconnect internal battery0 may be helpful, iff that resets any thresholds set.
I did try disconnecting internal battery earlier - when it was advised to discharge the batteries. It didn't have any noticeable effect on the thresholds.
Just to be sure, you're talking about the Lenovo 'Vantage' program to examine your batteries, not the native Windows stuff?
Installed Windows 11 on some space I had on the second hard drive - don't think i've installed the Lenovo 'Vantage' program yet. I did install the driver update check software and it says things are upto date as far as vendor/Lenovo software goes.
Earlier than what / when? Pretend we have defective mindreading skills ;-)
So i've kind of noticed that sometimes the external battery charging will go upto 100% when I leave it charged overnight and make it sleep (just to save the state of the work i'm doing .... sometimes it will even go off). But right now as I write - it's stuck at 79% despite being plugged in.
Did you actually try running it without AC power without ext. battery? If so, how long did it last?
Doesn't last - switches off.
Have you priced a new (genuine Lenovo FRU) internal battery?
Might take one of the cheapest batteries available - not inclined to spend on original Lenovo batteries since this is an older/used system.
Do you have another machine to use
Maybe after getting battery0 either fixed or replaced ... and is it a genuine Lenovo FRU?
I would presume the batter0 is original - but I'm not sure how to check if it is.
I did try disconnecting internal battery earlier - when it was advised to discharge the batteries. It didn't have any noticeable effect on the thresholds.

Does that mean that you do know what low and high charge thresholds are set for the internal battery0?

What are they, and what are you using to display them, if not the Lenovo Vantage app?

Can you confirm whether you did or did not set thresholds last year in the aforementioned thread? If you did, the method shown was only for battery0, and may require setting them to 0 (zero) to restore standard behavior, which I believe you may need to do to fix this - if it's not too late.

Installed Windows 11 on some space I had on the second hard drive - don't think i've installed the Lenovo 'Vantage' program yet. I did install the driver update check software and it says things are upto date as far as vendor/Lenovo software goes.

No, Vantage is not a driver, you will need to install it from the Lenovo (NOT the M$) website.

Similarly, Ubuntu updates won't have installed Lenovo BIOS /UEFI updates, only available from the Lenovo site. Go armed with precise model, subtype and existing BIOS version from SETUP boot.

You can use Ventoy to boot the BIOS flash .iso from there.

So i've kind of noticed that sometimes the external battery charging will go upto 100% when I leave it charged overnight and make it sleep (just to save the state of the work i'm doing .... sometimes it will even go off). But right now as I write - it's stuck at 79% despite being plugged in.

In theory it won't use or charge the external battery (#1) until battery0 is charged - but read up on that in the User Guide.

So because battery0 won't charge - either because of wrong threshold settings or it's just stuffed - then battery1 can not charge beyond where it is now. It might however reset its internal chip to 100% after a long time showing 'high' state'.

See below re remaining capacities from your acpiconf -i{0,1} listings.

Doesn't last - switches off.

Might take one of the cheapest batteries available - not inclined to spend on original Lenovo batteries since this is an older/used system

In my experience, a saving of maybe $30 will likely cost you days or weeks dealing with batteries that a) underperform and b) lie to the EC so acpiconf about their state, and c) need replacing again far sooner.

It's also possible that Lenovo may have blacklisted non-genuine T480 batteries?

But it's your time, and money ...


I would presume the batter0 is original - but I'm not sure how to check if it is.

OEM info: both LGC (i.e. LG)
bat0: 01AV420 serial 2080
bat1: 01AV490 serial 2838
Genuine Lenovo parts, most likely original.

Ok, other acpiconf highlights, rearranged a bit:

acpiconf -i0

Design capacity: 23940 mWh
Design voltage: 11400 mV
Capacity (low): 200 mWh

Last full capacity: 2440 mWh
Capacity (warn): 122 mWh

[warn: 122 of Lfc 2440 = 5%]
[Lfc: 2440 of design 23940 = 10.2%]

State: critical charging
Remaining capacity: 5%
Present voltage: 11662 mV


So, 5% of 10% = 0.5% of design capacity (apparently) remains.

Notice that warn cap. (5% of last full cap.) is below low cap. (fixed 200mWh, ~0.8% of design cap.) This may indicate a firmware cutoff point?

Cycle Count: 959

Wow, 2.6 years of daily cycling? Sound credible?


acpiconf -i1

Design capacity: 23940 mWh
Design voltage: 11400 mV
Capacity (low): 200 mWh
(same as bat0)

Last full capacity: 4350 mWh
Capacity (warn): 217 mWh

[warn: 217 of Lfc 4350 ~= 5%]
[Lfc: 4350 of design 23940 = 18.2%]

Cycle Count: 455
State: high
Remaining capacity: 79%
Present voltage: 11789 mV

If it were mine I'd be hanging out to use Vantage to view any thresholds set, and disable them if so - or just replace at least the internal if not.

Good Luck!
Windows Update > Advanced options > (Additional options) Optional updates

Ok - so I did try the optional updates from Windows - it showed a couple of Lenovo firmware updates - installed them. Tried a couple of restarts into Windows to see if any difference - No difference.

Additionally I also tried the reset pin from the back cover by holding it for 15 seconds. That also did not make any difference.
Does that mean that you do know what low and high charge thresholds are set for the internal battery0?
No - I mean't the previous 5% and 79% thresholds still persist. I don't know how to check the battery thresholds.
What are they, and what are you using to display them, if not the Lenovo Vantage app?
I used the normal windows battery display to see (from the bottom right battery icon on Windows) the levels for the battery. I did install the Lenovo app that checks if there are any driver updates required (I'm not sure if it's called Vantage app - it says Lenovo update when I try to run it) - the app reported the required updates from the vendor were satisfied and no new updates were required.
Can you confirm whether you did or did not set thresholds last year in the aforementioned thread? If you did, the method shown was only for battery0, and may require setting them to 0 (zero) to restore standard behavior, which I believe you may need to do to fix this - if it's not too late.
Yes, I had, in all likelihood set the thresholds - but I don't remember setting them or altering them later - or near to when this problem started to arise. Is there a way to check thresholds?
You can use Ventoy to boot the BIOS flash .iso from there.
Ok I had tried this with the iso - but somehow it didn't quite work - i'll try doing it again. Maybe I was doing something wrong.
In theory it won't use or charge the external battery (#1) until battery0 is charged - but read up on that in the User Guide.

So because battery0 won't charge - either because of wrong threshold settings or it's just stuffed - then battery1 can not charge beyond where it is now. It might however reset its internal chip to 100% after a long time showing 'high' state'.

It's also possible that Lenovo may have blacklisted non-genuine T480 batteries?
Doubt it - was running fine until this problem appeared - the only thing close to this problem starting was installing some Lenovo update from Ubuntu - that I can recollect , that possibly may have affected this situation.
Wow, 2.6 years of daily cycling? Sound credible?
It's an old laptop, someone else was using this earlier. Not sure if they changed/affected something.
If it were mine I'd be hanging out to use Vantage to view any thresholds set, and disable them if so - or just replace at least the internal if not.
Will try seeing if the Lenovo Update Software supports such options.
Good Luck!
Thanks! Really appreciate your help - you've been a great pillar of support in the community. If these last few attempts don't work I might be getting new batteries in a couple of days - been a bit exhausting to try and diagnose this - just hope it's not some problem that might affect a new internal/external battery as well!
No - I mean't the previous 5% and 79% thresholds still persist. I don't know how to check the battery thresholds.

You NEED the Lenovo Vantage program, only available from the Lenovo site. I also have Windows (10) installed; I have done this and know how it works.

Vantage battery software is distinct from the generic and separate Windows drivers. It contains a section specifically to set or clear the thresholds, it's a major menu item there.

Apart from the potentially dodgy FreeBSD methods, you CAN ONLY get it from Lenovo.

Do not mess with battery1 until battery0 is cleared, but check it read-only in case modified.

I used the normal windows battery display to see (from the bottom right battery icon on Windows) the levels for the battery. I did install the Lenovo app that checks if there are any driver updates required (I'm not sure if it's called Vantage app - it says Lenovo update when I try to run it) - the app reported the required updates from the vendor were satisfied and no new updates were required.

Yes - but that's separate from Vantage. See above, again.

Yes, I had, in all likelihood set the thresholds - but I don't remember setting them or altering them later - or near to when this problem started to arise. Is there a way to check thresholds?

Yes, the Vantage program. See above, again.

Ok I had tried this with the iso - but somehow it didn't quite work - i'll try doing it again. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

Was that a specific BIOS/UEFI iso for flashing, downloaded from the specific BIOS update section of the Lenovo site? Or something else?

It's also possible that Lenovo may have blacklisted non-genuine T480 batteries?
Doubt it - was running fine until this problem appeared - the only thing close to this problem starting was installing some Lenovo update from Ubuntu - that I can recollect , that possibly may have affected this situation.

No, I was still referring to your suggestion of installing cheap batteries. Your current ones are clearly genuine LG parts.

No Ubuntu update could have affected BIOS/UEFI firmware without an actual flashing process, that you'd remember?

Will try seeing if the Lenovo Update Software supports such options.

Not if it doesn't download and install Vantage! It's NOT a driver, it's a major program that should be on the desktop and in the taskbar. It supersedes the generic Windows stuff.

I'm close to done ...
You NEED the Lenovo Vantage program, only available from the Lenovo site. I also have Windows (10) installed; I have done this and know how it works.

Vantage battery software is distinct from the generic and separate Windows drivers. It contains a section specifically to set or clear the thresholds, it's a major menu item there.

Apart from the potentially dodgy FreeBSD methods, you CAN ONLY get it from Lenovo.
Ok - installed Vantage finally!
The battery charging thresholds in the software seemed normal 75 (below start charging) - 80 (above stop charging). I tried making the upper threshold to 100 as well. But no change is the charging situation.
Do not mess with battery1 until battery0 is cleared, but check it read-only in case modified.
Are you suggesting I should use the "Reset" option for battery0 in the Vantage software? I think I tried it but how long would it approximately take? I stopped it midway since nothing was happening - can try again.
Was that a specific BIOS/UEFI iso for flashing, downloaded from the specific BIOS update section of the Lenovo site? Or something else?
I think I had tried with something else - now I have the BIOS update from Lenovo website on Ventoy. I'm still a little scared to do it. On my first attempt it said something like rollback to previous version was disabled - so maybe I need to enable that first from the BIOS settings. Should I really do this? Just hoping it doesn't brick the machine.
No, I was still referring to your suggestion of installing cheap batteries. Your current ones are clearly genuine LG parts.
Ok - thanks.
No Ubuntu update could have affected BIOS/UEFI firmware without an actual flashing process, that you'd remember?
Ok got it - it seemed like a firmware upgrade that was asking to be installed and I, without suspecting much, allowed it to be installed. Unclear if that may have been the root cause for the battery charging issue.
Ok - installed Vantage finally!


The battery charging thresholds in the software seemed normal 75 (below start charging) - 80 (above stop charging).

First things first ... was that for battery0, or battery1? Or are they only shown combined?

Relying here on your precise observations, as I and most others will have only a single battery.

So, clearly you do have non-standard thresholds in place, and that 80% may relate to your external battery1 and its '79%' setting, perhaps.

Can it report thresholds for both batteries separately?

I tried making the upper threshold to 100 as well. But no change is the charging situation.

100 isn't a valid value. As in Kevin's patch for acpi_ibm, 1 to 99 can be set, or 0 which is supposed to restore default values (which are 0 and 100).

So try 0 if Reset doesn't.

Are you suggesting I should use the "Reset" option for battery0 in the Vantage software? I think I tried it but how long would it approximately take? I stopped it midway since nothing was happening - can try again.

Are you talking here about seconds or minutes as being 'midway'?

Is there any description with the Reset option that says what it's supposed to do?

It certainly sounds desirable, given the dire apparent state, and removal of thresholds would be a great place to start.

I think I had tried with something else - now I have the BIOS update from Lenovo website on Ventoy. I'm still a little scared to do it. On my first attempt it said something like rollback to previous version was disabled - so maybe I need to enable that first from the BIOS settings. Should I really do this? Just hoping it doesn't brick the machine.

I suggest trying to remove the battery thresholds first, but as long as you're running on AC power and do NOT interrupt the flashing process, it's safe.

I've not heard of any Thinkpads being bricked by BIOS updates.

Before you do, record the existing BIOS version ... it's probably years older than the new, latest one, which exists to fix real bugs found in the field - which are usually listed with it.
First things first ... was that for battery0, or battery1? Or are they only shown combined?
The Vantage shoftware shows separate thresholds for both batteries. Each battery is shows separately - when I look at details - otherwise it shows a unified charging value at the beginning.
Haha - thanks to you!
Can it report thresholds for both batteries separately?
Yes - it shows separate but similar thresholds. both had 75-80 values initially.
The dropdown shows increments of 5% each - so I tried 95% or 100% as top threshold to stop charging - but didn't work.
So try 0 if Reset doesn't.
Are you talking about the FreeBSD method of setting thresholds? If so I probably have forgotten about it, specially for the dual battery setup. I suppose this vantage software settings do the same? And consequently it might be easier to just try from Windows (although it hasn't worked so far).
Are you talking here about seconds or minutes as being 'midway'?
Was a couple of minutes for the initial attempt. Now this second attempt has been running for 3 hrs or so I reckon - still doesn't move from the 6% for battery 0. Still stuck at "Step 1, out of 3 steps in total: Calibrating to full charge" showing 6%.
Is there any description with the Reset option that says what it's supposed to do?
It says it might require a few hours for the process :(so far 3 done without any visual progress) - not sure how much longer I should I let it run? Any idea? Not showing visible progress for battery0
It also asked to stop other programs, perhaps due to loss of progress being the concern - but just kept browser open to type this now. Meh.

**UPDATE** : Reset option stopped after AC adapter got disturbed - approximately 4-5 hrs it was fine before that. Is that not long enough to know that this method isn't working?
I've not heard of any Thinkpads being bricked by BIOS updates.

Before you do, record the existing BIOS version ... it's probably years older than the new, latest one, which exists to fix real bugs found in the field - which are usually listed with it.
Ok that gives me some confidence to go ahead. I must say the BIOS settings show a date for BIOS which is very late last year - so I presume it's not a very old BIOS, probably in Nov 2023.

**UPDATE** : tried the BIOS route - it doesn't go futher after saying "Update is not needed ..."

PS : The vantage software is only available from Microsoft Store - and that's the one I am using.
Couple of updates as mentioned above :
1)BIOS update is dead end
2) Reset from Vantage software didn't really do much until it AC power got disconnected after ~4 hrs