Solved WebNFS

I don't hear about WebNFS at all on the forum. It seems to be an older Solaris feature.
It seems to check several boxes for me. What is the problem with it?
I want lightweight fileserver sharing and it seems right.
This is for a local network so security is of little concern.
Anybody have any insight?
From what I can tell its is built in: exports(5)
WebNFS exports strictly according to the spec (RFC 2054 and RFC 2055) can
be done with the -public flag. However, this flag in itself allows r/w
access to all files in the file system, not requiring reserved ports and
not remapping UIDs. It is only provided to conform to the spec, and
should normally not be used. For a WebNFS export, use the -webnfs flag,
which implies -public, -mapall=nobody and -ro. Note that only one file
system can be WebNFS exported on a server.
Back on topic I am trying to setup lighttpd to be my web fileserver.
The only instructions I can find for setting up WebNFS is this:

It seems rather complete.
NFS Server
Step 1) Not needed. FreeBSD has NFS server included.

Step 2) I used this for my export file:
/files -maproot=root -webnfs -network

Step 3) Skipped for my own /file path

NFS Client:
Step 1) Client is already installed and running.

Step 2) Skipped for own mount

Step 3) Manually mounted

Step 4) This was helpful for the webserver setup.
root /mnt/web; this was the only setting in lighttppd.conf that I changed.
(To lighttpd's doucment-source-root) and my own path /files

I saw a problem report that index files were a problem with WebNFS.
So I created a default.htm which lighttpd supports.
I have a basic webpage created in my export of /files.
I tested the webserver with its default document root first and it works.

So I am unsuccessful so far.. I have to be close.
There is an option in export to set index file for WebNFS and I tried that as well.