Solved VirtualBox Guest Installation - Network Problems

First - thank you all for your patience and knowledge.

I am new to FreeBSD.
I have installed 10.3 RELEASE on VirtualBox 5.0.20

I am unable to configure DHCP or static ip.
I'm able to provide whatever information is needed for assistance.

Thank you.
I've been at this for some time...

I resolved my issue.
(Using NAT) I set the default router to VirtualBox's default (I was using the routers IP)
Then rebooted
Sorry for wasting anyone's time
No wasting time. You don't have to use NAT on the vm guest. I got it working easy with using the bridged virtual interface. Can't remember what its called, but I can boot my machine up this weekend and tell you what I used if want. I've had 3 vm machines all using the bridged interface at the same time, each with their own unique address, DHCP from my router.
No wasting time. You don't have to use NAT on the vm guest. I got it working easy with using the bridged virtual interface. Can't remember what its called, but I can boot my machine up this weekend and tell you what I used if want. I've had 3 vm machines all using the bridged interface at the same time, each with their own unique address, DHCP from my router.

That is what I want.
I want my guest to get it's IP from my router - have the same subnet as the rest of my computers.
That way I can assisgn a static IP to it from the router - this way the client still uses DHCP but is assigned same address every time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That is what I want......Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Righto. Like you I am new to FreeBSD, but I have a year head start, almost two I suppose. I'm not like the seasoned veterans on here, they are amazing, but I should be able to help you with this one. Not sure what your host OS is, mine is also FreeBSD, but if yours is different then lets hope it doesn't muck up things for us.

Give me a day or two or three to get back to you. Tonight I have to help a buddy change the wheels on his fishing boat trailer, and tomorrow is a busy day with spring fair. Maybe tomorrow evening I can boot up and tell you what I did.

My host FreeBSD OS has this (not that it matters, just quickly showing you), and I am guessing my guest FreeBSD instance has something similiar which gets configured via the VirtualBoax gui.

$ less /etc/rc.conf

On the guest em0 will be something different, it will be the interface of the virtual bridged interface. You configure that using the VirtualBox gui.

Stay tuned.
In the VirtualBox guest network settings, set the Attached To: dropdown to Bridged Networking. That requires the vboxnet service to be enabled, which is usually the default.

The VM will appear on the network as a new machine.
Thanks wblock....sorry for the slow response, busy weekend; monster trucks, serious bass fishing, sunburn, etc. Not bad for a cold Canadian weekend. :p

In case you need more detail: On the VM manager gui, go to your vm instance, click settings, and then Network. Then pick your adapter, for me Adapter 1 was the only one available I do believe, then pick Attached To: dropdown to Bridged Networking (as wblock already said) and then for me I picked bce0 (bce1) was the other choice. Your options might be slightly different depending on hardware.

Interestingly the vm instance shows the same em0 interface, which makes sense, since its an abstraction of the hardware. I confess I expected it to be different.
$ less /etc/rc.conf