Using JDK 7 (Java with FreeBSD)

Hi, I tried to to a make install for JDK7 at java/openjdk7, and was thrown with an error saying the license does not permit auto-install, and that I need to download it myself.

Then, I use the command pkg_add -r openjdk7. The installation was successful, but I seems that it is quite an old version:
openjdk version "1.7.0"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-root_2011_12_06_00_20-b00)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)
So, is the JDK port actively maintained? (The latest version is JDK 7 Update 5).

Otherwise, what is the best way to use the latest Java version? (Actually, I need to run GlassFish and Tomcat.)


ikevinjp said:
and was thrown with an error saying the license does not permit auto-install, and that I need to download it myself.
Just follow the directions. It's not that difficult.

Then, I use the command pkg_add -r openjdk7. The installation was successful, but I seems that it is quite an old version:
openjdk version "1.7.0"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-root_2011_12_06_00_20-b00)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)
So, is the JDK port actively maintained? (The latest version is JDK 7 Update 5).
You probably installed the version that came with the -RELEASE.

I see that you did [CMD=""]make install[/CMD] it... I don't remember having that problem when I installed it. I do remember getting a little murphed when something I installed demanded openjdk6 as a dependency. But initially, I installed version 7 from ports and it didn't give me any grief at all. I'm under the impression that OpenJDK is supposed to be the open source java, so accepting a license seems inappropriate; though I have a lengthy history of being wrong, who knows.
Funny enough you need Java to be able to build Java from source. It's a bit of a chicken and egg problem.

Open source doesn't mean it's free to use, hence the license ;)
If you have what it takes you can write the first compiler directly in assembly language :p Which is exactly how the world's first C compiler was produced.
As far as I know, Diablo JDK installation requires manual download of the JDK package via website, due to check the licence agreement. On new FreeBSD installations, when I had no java compilers at all, OpenJDK required a bootstrap Java compiler to solve the chicken and egg problem. So I've downloaded Diablo JDK (wich is a binary distribution).

Do you really need Java 7? I have to deal with Java software and Java 6 environment seems to be more stable, specially with Glassfish (v2, ou our case).
You know, I think I pkg_add -r openjdk7, then portupgrade'd it later on to get it to build from source.
That should work too. As I said you need Java to be able to build Java. If there's nothing installed it'll use java/diablo-jdk16 but once java/openjdk7 is installed you should be able to use openjdk7 to build openjdk7.