Today I practiced ruby and wrote v0.0.1 of uncue script
Right now it's pretty basic script. The purpose of uncue is to uncue. In otherword to split media (currently only audio) files with cue sheet.
I will keep developing this scipt further.
My biggest goal (to split audio files) is however almost achieved.
Some highlights:

NOTE: This is so very alpha.... in case you try to uncue your media files, don't throw avay originals for now.
It should be relatively save as long as, cue sheet, has one FILE command and only AUDIO tracks...
Currently it accepts only 1 command line argument, and that argument must be cue filename.
Script depends on multimedia/ffmpeg and lang/ruby19
Today I practiced ruby and wrote v0.0.1 of uncue script
Right now it's pretty basic script. The purpose of uncue is to uncue. In otherword to split media (currently only audio) files with cue sheet.
I will keep developing this scipt further.
My biggest goal (to split audio files) is however almost achieved.
Some highlights:
- Tries to check cue file
- Tries to find files to uncue
- Keeps metadata
- Has bugs

NOTE: This is so very alpha.... in case you try to uncue your media files, don't throw avay originals for now.
It should be relatively save as long as, cue sheet, has one FILE command and only AUDIO tracks...
Currently it accepts only 1 command line argument, and that argument must be cue filename.
Script depends on multimedia/ffmpeg and lang/ruby19