Solved USB Ethernet adapter

Do I need to install a driver to get a USB ethernet adapter (RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet) working with FreeBSD?

When I plug it in, a new interface shows up, (UE1) but running dhclient ue1 does receive any offers.

Am I missing something?
Do I need to install a driver to get a USB ethernet adapter (RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet) working with FreeBSD?

When I plug it in, a new interface shows up, (UE1) but running dhclient ue1 does receive any offers.

Am I missing something?
You shouldn't need a driver to get that adapter working... That's been my experience.

But sometimes, it helps to have the adapter AND ethernet cable actually plugged in BEFORE booting the machine up...

Another thing to try is service netif restart (as root). Sometimes it's onerestart, rather than restart...
If the adapter is coming up as ue1, do you have a ue0 already in use? If so, is it on the same or a different subnet?

Do you have a DHCP server running on the subnet to which ue1 attaches?

RTL8513 USB adapters are slow to initialise. I have posted previously on the appropriate fix.

Note that I set netwait_ip="${defaultrouter}" because defaultrouter is set in /etc/rc.conf, it's on the subnet configured for my ue0, and it's pretty much always present on the subnet.

My experience on FreeBSD is that the AX88179 chipset suffers recurrent resets, while the AX88179A chipset seems stable.

If you plug them into a USB 3.[12] Gen 2 port, they will run at full duplex gigabit speed.
Does it detect a carrier on the wire? What does ifconfig say"
I'm not sure why, but it suddenly started working.....

Maybe I was using a faulty cable or hadn't plugged it in properly. Or possible a faulty USB port.

At least I know it is capable of working, after spending many hours with it not working previously.

After trying it on a different computer which wasn't using netwait, I don't think that was what made it work.

I'll mark this thread solved, even though I don't know I did to make the adapter work.