USB errors after coming back from vacation

I've been away from my computer for roughly 2 weeks and the interesting thing is that my USB keyboard and mouse and UPS work fine, but anything more advanced is not working. I came across this:

This is what I tried to do to resolve the issue:

1. I tried clearing the CMOS or loading the defaults.
2. Thinking that this was a hardware issue, I moved the hard drive over to an identical computer and the exact same issue occurred.
3. I reverted to an older BE, perhaps there was a botched update that is causing this issue.
4. I installed a backup hard drive (all setup and ready to go with how my system is setup) in the original machine.

I am on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p8. I do have my system automatically apply firmware updates nightly. A quick grep reveals that this issue started appearing once I came back which also correlates to me applying system updates (updating packages). Before system updates are applied, I have to reboot into a new BE and then apply the updates.

My USB keyboard mouse, and UPS work fine, but other devices that I believe use USB2 or 3 do not. I want to dump pictures and videos from my phone to my computer, but cannot presently do that. I'm not sure what else to try at this point.

I have no clock battery in a box, I unplugged the power to reset it back.
I tried booting to a USB installer image to see what happens there and it is also occurring there. However, that may just mean that firmware updates were applied.
I also tried booting that same USB installer image on a box that has not been booted in ages and the network cable removed and I am getting the problem there.

I am really confused. If this were a firmware update, the USB installer image wouldn't be applying those, nor would it have it saved to it. If this were a USB hardware issue, it seems strange that all 3 boxes would have this issue now and not before.

What should I try to get this working? Is my computer equipment finally all kicking the bucket at once?

The device in question is my Google Pixel 6 and it got a bit wet, but the USB port dried out, works for charging, but hasn't worked for file transfer since. I am thinking that perhaps the phone USB port is bad now.
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I am on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p8. I do have my system automatically apply firmware updates nightly. A quick grep reveals that this issue started appearing once I came back which also correlates to me applying system updates (updating packages). Before system updates are applied, I have to reboot into a new BE and then apply the updates.
Small suggestions:
1. Add checking on a errors/warnings (by piping to grep for example) ON EACH STEP of Your “updating packages procedure”.

Skip if something not good, write to log, send appropriate message to Yourself’s iPhone (for example by hooking the Pushover service).


With checking errors on EACH small step!
Thanks, good points.

I will need to checkout the push notification service for each platform. That will be much better than my current approach of using email and looking for certain patterns :).
Thanks, good points.

I will need to checkout the push notification service for each platform.
Glad to read this!
Anyway, for cases using in SOHO, or where 1(one) SysAdmin on up to 100 nodes, and no complexity monitoring system used, Pushover service/app - best choice.

That will be much better than my current approach of using email and looking for certain patterns :).
In addition to emailing from Your monitoring system (by using sendmail), You may also using cronjob hooks to StatusCake for example.
Any other devices besides the phone transfer failing? USB data is not a requirement to charge. Similarly, a cable can become damaged to where power gets through but data does not.

It is possible all computers develop USB issues 'near' the same time but I wouldn't expect it to be at the same time unless there was a common factor like plugging in a defective device, static damage (would need to be consistent), or a common failure with the computers (same model + defective hardware). I don't think plugging in your phone messed them all up for datalines but allows other devices to still transfer data.

USB-A 3.0 connectors can be plugged in very slowly or stop inserting after initial data transfer starts when plugging in slowly. After an initial handshake starts and device identifies, you should be forced on USB2 If you have a USB2 cable or port, it is simpler to just use that to test USB2 connectivity.

On FreeBSD, you should see entries in logs or first terminal as you connect devices with data communication. If one device doesn't work on all machines but other devices work on all of them, then I'd start by further troubleshooting the device or its cable. Dust/dirt inside the computer can impact circuitry so it could be good to clean them off with canned air or other electronics-safe cleaning effort.

Removing the CMOS battery + removing AC is enough for most systems though I also short together the 2 CMOS battery contacts ('usually' same effect as moving a cmos reset jumper or pressing a cmos reset button) to make sure the related circuit doesn't have residual charge. Going into BIOS/UEFI and reloading defaults is wise as sometimes they wake up to a different state than defaults. At the same time, some settings are not cleared by battery removal or loading defaults though that is 'usually' left for things like passwords but I've seen it on basic settings too.

Have you tried booting older install images you know worked in the past?
Hi - yes, I've tried all of that, so the only logical conclusion I can draw is that - My phone was subjected to rain and the USB-C port is damaged even though the phone disabled it when it detected water and then re-enabled it shortly thereafter. I have other devices that are working fine. I was able to transfer the files off the phone using wifi. I am strange in that I don't store my pictures on my phone, I transfer them off onto a more 'reliable' store, ZFS, and then have 2 offline copies.