Solved USB 3.0 disks not recognized by Windows if passed through as slots.

So,If I have understood correctly,I should pass the whole disk like this ?
bhyve -S -c sockets=2,cores=2,threads=2 -m 8G -w -H -A \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 1,virtio-blk,/mnt/$vmdisk'p2'/bhyve/os/Linux/impish-cuda-11-5-nvidia-495.img \
-s 2,nvme,/dev/nvd0 \
-s 3,passthru,5/0/0 \
-s 4,passthru,1/0/0 \
-s 8,virtio-net,tap0 \
-s 9,virtio-9p,sharename=/ \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=,w=1440,h=900 \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_BHF_CODE.fd \
#-l com1,stdio \
vm0 < /dev/null & sleep 2 && vncviewer 0:0

no problem for me. but then,since I don't see which partitions there are inside the disk,I'm not able to understand which kind of file system should I mount,because the disk appears like this :

mario@marietto-BHYVE:/home/marietto# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 931,51 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Disk model: bhyve-NVMe                        
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
How can I mount the whole disk ?

like this :

mario@marietto-BHYVE:/home/marietto# mount -t auto /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/nvme0n1

mount: /mnt/nvme0n1: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nvme0n1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

it won't work.
I want to inform you that I've passed through the M2 disk as a PCI device and now all the partitions inside the disk are correctly detected by Linux. This is the M2 disk that I wanted to pass thru inside the Linux guest os :

ppt5@pci0:3:0:0:        class=0x010802 rev=0x03 hdr=0x00 vendor=0xc0a9 device=0x5403 subvendor=0xc0a
9 subdevice=0x2100
vendor     = 'Micron/Crucial Technology'
class      = mass storage
subclass   = NVM

so,it's enough to add this device on the file /boot/loader.conf like this :


trying to pass it through as a slot does not work because 'nvme' means bhyve will *emulate* an NVME device and it will treat whatever is given to it (/dev/nvd0) as just dumb storage. It doesn't care if /dev/nvd0 is an NVME device. So commands such as nvmecontrol identify etc. in the *guest* won't be passed through to /dev/nvd0 through to it. If I run nvmecontrol identify under ktrace in the guest, I will see something like this :

3657 nvmecontrol NAMI  "/dev/nvme0ns1"
 3657 nvmecontrol RET   openat 3
 3657 nvmecontrol CALL  ioctl(0x3,NVME_GET_NSID,0x1245f31731a8)
 3657 nvmecontrol RET   ioctl 0
 3657 nvmecontrol CALL  close(0x3)
 3657 nvmecontrol RET   close 0
 3657 nvmecontrol CALL  openat(AT_FDCWD,0x1245f3173260,0<O_RDONLY>)
 3657 nvmecontrol NAMI  "/dev/nvme0"
 3657 nvmecontrol RET   openat 3
 3657 nvmecontrol CALL  ioctl(0x3,NVME_PASSTHROUGH_CMD,0x1245f3173250)
 3657 nvmecontrol RET   ioctl 0
 3657 nvmecontrol CALL  close(0x3)

These ioctls will *not* be passed on the real /dev/nvd0 in the host so they are *not* going to return the same information. If I want to talk to the real nvme device from a guest, I have to use a passthrough device.

Phishfry : this is definitively one FreeBSD question. Please,be careful next time to evaluate correctly what's a FreeBSD question from what it isn't because this is not the first time that you make a categorization error. I suspect that you have the tendency to don't include some questions inside the FreeBSD category because you have some kind of mental bias or maybe some preconception,I'm not sure.