Upgrade step running for long time


I am trying to upgrade from release 12.2 to 12.3, the first step i.e. freebsd-update fetch is running from last 19 hours & has not completed!

Is this OK?

It can take a while but 19 hours seems excessive.

I am trying to upgrade from release 12.2 to 12.3, the first step i.e. freebsd-update fetch is running from last 19 hours & has not completed!
Note that this won't upgrade your system, this will only fetch the latest patches for your current version (12.2?).

So, have to wait? because the second step won't start until this one completes.

May be a re-run can fix the issue?


Pasting the command output:

root@localhost:/usr/sbin # [CMD]freebsd-update fetch[/CMD]
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 2 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 12.2-RELEASE from update1.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
The following files will be added as part of updating to
Any clues?

Dude, it's waiting for you. It's showing some output through less(1) and is waiting for you to exit it. (The "(END)" is a dead giveaway you're looking at less(1)).

I did not get you! Ctrl+Z suspends it.


Do you mean the command has completed?

Have done release upgrade many times previously, faced this output for the first time!
freebsd-update has always used a pager - it used to be more but think from 12.0 onwards it switched to less. But after a page of output it always stopped, waiting for user input.

For some updates there wouldn't have been a page of output so it wouldn't have stopped.

It's one of those ones that seems very obvious once you know, but does seem to trip people up every now and then!

Also did you notice SirDice advising you that what you are doing will NOT upgrade you to 12.3? The command you are using will just upgrade 12.2.
To bypass pager, you can redirect output to a file: freebsd-update fetch > freebsd-update_fetch.txt

Then to display the output without invoking a pager: cat freebsd-update_fetch.txt

Running freebsd-update install does not invoke any pager.

To upgrade to a new release use freebsd-update upgrade -r newrelease as specified in the manual: freebsd-update(8).
To bypass pager, you can redirect output to a file:
env PAGER=cat freebsd-update fetch

     PAGER  The	pager program used to present various reports during the exe-
	    cution.  (Default: "/usr/bin/less".)

	    PAGER can be set to	"cat" when a non-interactive pager is desired.
Less is more.
On FreeBSD it's actually the same executable:
root@molly:~ # ls -li /usr/bin/more /usr/bin/less
445455 -r-xr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  198432 Apr 10 17:37 /usr/bin/less
445455 -r-xr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  198432 Apr 10 17:37 /usr/bin/more
I did not get you! Ctrl+Z suspends it.
After suspending a job with Ctlr+Z you can have a look at what job you actually suspended. See for example the section on Jobs in tcsh(1) or FreeBSD : Job management with the command jobs; or refer to the section on job control with your favourite shell. After you have suspended a job on your terminal, you can also have a look at ps -aux | grep <username> to see what user <username> (=you) has actually running.